"Here's a pic taken on the iPhone. Glare was so bad that I couldn't see what I was aiming the camera at!" (Posted by @kimb0lene of United Kingdom, April 25, 2009 - more photos on her Flickr page)
Featured TwitPic: Niagara Falls up close
Christiannmarie (California) is kinda scared of the Swine Flu...damn you American media, you got me! 26 Apr 2009 from web frenchiie (Dublin, Ireland) This whole Swine Flu is getting kind of scary.. I prefer people talking about the recession = ( 26 Apr 2009 from web TrishaYA (Hawaii) Also, all this swine flu news makes me want to read a book about the flu. Alas, no library in my system has Winnie's War yet. 26 Apr 2009 from web zadie2 (Canada) is astonished that the unknown swine flu has edged out the odds-on favourite (bird flu) to reach level 4 pandemic status 26 Apr 2009 from web BluesBro (Auckland, New Zealand) Now that we have all forgotten about the bird flu, could be that the swine flu is worse as it spreads man to man http://tinyurl.com/cyjdr3 25 Apr 2009 from web knealemann (Canada) All the reports of more cases of swine flu found today has convinced me that we should just stay in our homes. Avoid human contact. 25 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck piglet78 (New York) be careful... the swine flu has killed at least 68 people in mexico city... a pandemic is imminent 25 Apr 2009 from web squires32 (Undisclosed) Anyone else paying attention to the swine flu outbreak? Mexico, Texas, Cali, NY, Kansas, London. This is a little freaky... 26 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck
World Health Organization concerned about swine flu
ottaross (Ottawa, Canada) If you gotta get injured in a balloon accident it may as well be over Egypt's Valley of the Kings at sunrise rather than in Gatineau. 25 Apr 2009 from TwitterFon 4pixels (Surrey, U.K.) Is really glad he did his balloon ride over Luxor last year! Would not have the balls now. http://tinyurl.com/co72gm 25 Apr 2009 from web paulcox (South America) Be wary of hot air balloon rides in Egypt: http://tinyurl.com/crrqbc (via @bbcnews) 25 Apr 2009 from web richstep51 (California) Odd conjunction of old and new - cell phone tower hit near ancient Luxor: 16 tourists injured in Egypt balloon crash: http://ow.ly/3VY 25 Apr 2009 from web
BellaLibre (Las Vegas/Brussels) Chillin' on the Nile in Luxor...life ain't half bad,nope - not at all! Tomorrow a hot air balloon ride to the Valley of Kings! 20 Apr 2009 from txt Sandwagon (Undisclosed) Awesome day in Luxor inc sunrise hot air balloon and 3 tombs at the Valley of the Kings. Summer has arrived here and heat is seriously on 22 Apr 2009 from web katiea48 (Undisclosed) We just got back from a hot air balloon ride over the valley of the kings in luxor egypt 24 Apr 2009 from twitterrific
Downed balloon in Egypt injures 13 tourists
quick13 (Minneapolis, Minn.) Regardless if you like Ashton Kutcher or not Today is World Malaria Day, great cause for awareness. http://is.gd/sI6Y 25 Apr 2009 from twhirl BeMalariaFree2 (Nigeria) @Deepak_Chopra U are one of the best. April 25 is World Malaria Day. Pls kindly note the plight of 1.8 m African kids who die annually. Tk U 24 Apr 2009 from web in reply to Deepak_Chopra ahmednaguib (Cairo, Egypt) World Malaria Day: Tweet to Beat Malaria! http://ff.im/-2m3Lk 25 Apr 2009 from FriendFeed KyleTurnsOut (Sydney, Australia) everyone should donate to help buy nets for world malaria day!!! these mosquito nets save lives! 25 Apr 2009 from web jeannrodr (Caracas, Venezuela) "World Malaria Day is Sat. April 25. I’m supporting Malaria No More’s fight to end malaria" 25 Apr 2009 from web shashikorla (Dubai, U.A.E.) RT @aplusk We can wipe out a disease today get on board. 10$ saves a life Support World Malaria Day = http://bit.ly/30Io8 RT 25 Apr 2009 from web littledictator (London, U.K.) RT @mashable World Malaria Day: Tweet to Beat Malaria! http://tinyurl.com/dl2dcm (via @tweetmeme) 25 Apr 2009 from web tekeste1 (Beijing, China) RT @kevinrose: Every 30 seconds a child dies from Malaria. Nets save lives. Support World Malaria Day = http://bit.ly/30Io8 RT 25 Apr 2009 from TwitterFon
Twitter campaign raises awareness about World Malaria Day
FireDispatchSMC Traffic accident - train, BROADWAY/CALIFORNIA DR ,BRM (04/24/09 19:38:21) 25 Apr 2009 from web
DeusXMachina Awesome. Random train delays and cryptic explanations over the PA system. 25 Apr 2009 from TwitterBerry DeusXMachina Spoke too soon. Apparently my train is delayed because the train up the tracks hit a truck. No idea how long I'll be here. 25 Apr 2009 from TwitterBerry DeusXMachina Ooh, ooh! Let's all look out the window as our train crawls past the tragedy. My species makes me ill. 25 Apr 2009 from TwitterBerry
sebastiankunz UPDATE: Train hits motorhome in Burlingame at Broadway Ave Crossg. intersection as well as Caltrain service will be significantly delayed 25 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck mtgarton Bummer, freight train hit a car in Burlingame tonight : ( @caltrain 25 Apr 2009 from mobile web jennyzhu @mtgarton hopefully no one was hurt! i hopped off at the burlingame stop, but @jasoncr was on the train 25 Apr 2009 from web Zhanna Freight train collided with an RV stuck on the tracks at Burlingame's Broadway station. No one hurt, thankfully. http://twitpic.com/3y1iq 25 Apr 2009 from Tweetie bradbelstock Wait until you see this train accident in Burlingame. No one got hurt, but the pictures make you think differently. 25 Apr 2009 from web
Train ruins motor home in collision near San Francisco
May 7
Featured TwitPic: Street peddler in Indonesia
U.S. banks stress test finds vulnerability
Fire displaces 8,000 in California
Obama meets with Afghan, Pakistan leaders
May 6
Supreme Court protests in Brazil
Library fire drill in Egypt
Russia responds to NATO act
Pregnant woman escapes death penalty
May 5
Featured TwitPics: Heavy rains in Brazil
Berlusconi feud with wife continues
Pakistan asks Swat citizens to flee
Tweets for a Cause reaches world
Georgia claims attempted coup
U.S. officials predict recession end in 2009
May 4
Featured TwitPic: West Coast of Ireland
Swine flu shows signs of slowdown
Nepal Prime Minister Prachanda resigns
Twitter buzzing about Star Wars Day
May 3
Hand of Harmony in South Korea
'Crazy' Martinelli elected president of Panama
Economic woes plague Zimbabwe
IOC leaves Rio impressed by 2016 Olympic bid
May 2
Rio de Janeiro impresses IOC
Featured TwitPic: Stormy day in Texas
Violence escalates in Karachi, Pakistan
Edinburgh helicopters cause a stir on Twitter
May Day protests spark violence in Europe
May 1
Small earthquake shakes Los Angeles area
Sunset at Magnetic Island in Australia
China takes precautions for swine flu
U.N. criticizes Egypt's pig slaughter
Delara Darabi executed in Iran