"another scene from an empty Mexican mall #swineflu #mexico #influenza" (Posted by @olivcris, Mexico City, April 27, 2009, additional TwitPics from the mall posted here)
Featured TwitPic: Empty mall in Mexico City
ashleytastic (Tucson, Ariz.) I love the word "pandemic". It instantly strikes fear into the hearts of millions. Can't have "pandemic" without "panic". #swineflu 27 Apr 2009 from mobile web ColleenHart (Chicago, Ill.) "Most brides worry about rain on their wedding day. I'm worried about drug cartels and a global pandemic."
Thoughts from Cancun Bride-to-Be 27 Apr 2009 from BeTwittered xxlea (New York City, N.Y.) Just when the "terror alert Color scale" had been buried & forgotten in the backs of our minds, we now have a Pandemic Alert Scale #swineflu 27 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck _bme (Undisclosed) @22samurai i'm emphatically NOT worried. but i am amused by the idea of a flu pandemic. 27 Apr 2009 from web in reply to 22samurai H4RB0URT (Ohio) @Veronica Please be aware of the 1918 H1N1 pandemic. http://bit.ly/nRDFg It killed aprox. 25 million. 27 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck in reply to Veronica AmyBlogTalk (Connecticut) Nothing like a flu pandemic to get our minds off the economy :( 27 Apr 2009 from web mathewi (Toronto, Canada) "in a pandemic, having people wrap their fears in 140 characters and blurt them out might have dangerous consequences": http://bit.ly/B8GE9 27 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck
WHO raises pandemic flu alert level to 4
Razerkoul (Johannesburg, South Africa) It's freedom day in South Africa and I'm not free coz I'm bored outta my skull 27 Apr 2009 from web Uyaphi (Cape Town, South Africa) Working on Freedom Day Here in South Africa - LOL or OUCH !!!!! 27 Apr 2009 from web towerofgrace (Pretoria, South Africa) Happy Freedom day to all in South Africa. 15yrs ago on this day we got freedom. Enjoy the day and remeber that true freedom comes from k ... 27 Apr 2009 from web jacovanonselen (Undisclosed) Had a great long weekend! Today is freedom day in South Africa! 27 Apr 2009 from web pauldtheripy (Atlanta, Ga.) This day in history:1994 South Africa began its 1st multiracial elections, which continued over three days. Today is known as 'Freedom Day'. 27 Apr 2009 from web RuthBev (Lincoln, U.K.) 2day is Freedom day in South Africa but are they really free when many still don't have access to basic resources? Another world is possible 27 Apr 2009 from web Pietersen (Undisclosed) By the way it's freedom day in South Africa. Public holiday! 27 Apr 2009 from TwitterBerry
South Africa celebrates Freedom Day
jcooper5 (Mexico) Just experienced his first earthquake. Acapulco Mexico. Ay ya ya 27 Apr 2009 from Tweetie Omar_Ramirez (Guadalajara, Mexico) earthquake in Mexico... and swineflu... maybe the Mexican apocalypses is coming! o_O 27 Apr 2009 from twhirl vikiero (Mexico City, Mexico) I ALMOST DIE!!!!!! IN MEXICO A FEW MINUTES AGO WAS A TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKE .. EVERYTHING AROUND ME MOVE AND MOVE 27 Apr 2009 from web sdphost (Mexico City, Mexico) Stolen iphone, stolen car, Swine Flu and now Earthquake. Thanks for letting me feel welcome Mexico City. 27 Apr 2009 from web SimpleJack (Pasadena, Calif.) Great... My Dad was in Mexico City but left because of the Bird/Swine flu and now Gets a 6.2 Earthquake in Acapulco (45 miles west)... 27 Apr 2009 from web smoagyemang (Accra, Ghana) an earthquake just hit near acapulco Mexico reports CNN. first it was the SWINE FLU now an EARTHQUAKE..makes me wonder how prepared is GHANA 27 Apr 2009 from web KeithBlanchard (New Jersey) Poor Mexico! First the swine flu, and now an earthquake in Acapulco. (http://tinyurl.com/mexicoquake). Then the swine flu again 27 Apr 2009 from web
Earthquake strikes near Acapulco, Mexico
soniamcp First day back and i'm late. Caught the protest at indian embassy though. Wonder what that's about? 27 Apr 2009 from mobile web nick_thompson there are loads of police outside the Indian embassy in London chanting + smashed windows... Wow. Wonder why.... 27 Apr 2009 from Tweetie awheewall It's all kicking off at the Indian Embassy on the Strand. Windows smashed and an angry mob outside. http://yfrog.com/089j2j 27 Apr 2009 from Tweetie EGNadiaElghamry http://twitpic.com/43c25 - Police outside india house on aldwych 27 Apr 2009 from TwitPic lewisbryan Windows smashed at India House on Aldwych in protest this morning. Traffic on Aldwych very slow. They're still protesting, loads of police. 27 Apr 2009 from Tweetie vanigami just saw protesters at indian embassy in aldwych. the protesters were winning. 27 Apr 2009 from web
Protest underway at Indian Embassy in London
johnr831 (Clinton, N.Y.) This new site looks great!
http://www.politicsdaily.com/ 27 Apr 2009 from Tweetie helinjung (Undisclosed) shiny and new http://politicsdaily.com/ -- can't speak for the commentary, but it looks pretty 27 Apr 2009 from web davorado (Murrieta, Calif.) A good move in these times RT @BuzzEdition RT @the_tech_update: AOL Launches Online “News Magazine” PoliticsDaily http://bit.ly/qYjml 27 Apr 2009 from web
TonyRomm (Washington, D.C.) AOL debuts Politics Daily, an awesome new Web site. With it, my work gets a new home: http://www.politicsdaily.com/bloggers/tony-romm 27 Apr 2009 from web
JoePeicott (Los Angeles, Calif.) Breaking! Breaking! AOL launches interesting product! Only took 'em 12 years. PoliticsDaily http://bit.ly/Gwwhk 27 Apr 2009 from bit.ly 08lovell (Washington, D.C.) They keep on trying to come back from the dead don't they RT @TechCrunch AOL Launches Online "News Magazine" PoliticsDaily http://tcrn.ch/l2 27 Apr 2009 from web
AOL launches new Web site covering politics
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