Per BBC, North Korea claims troops are "fully ready" for war. As diplomatic relations deteriorate between North and South Korea the threat of war from these opposing neighbors increases with peace agreements cast off.
The North Korean military plans to launch a missile test on Wednesday -as a dramatic warning to the people of South Korea, reported today by BBC News.
Map Courtesy of BBC World News
Twitter users comment about possible missile attacks.
@Harma (Sappemeer, Netherlands): @ProjectPrayer Please pray for North and South Korea..
@warhawke (Albuquerque, N.M.): ABC News: S Korea to hit N Korea missile sites if attacked: minister: South Korea would target North Korean launch...

@viralviral007: GOOGLENEWS: S. Korea warns North on Yellow Sea attack - United Press International
This latest threat comes off of recent news that North Korea may be soon launching a missle toward the United States.

@julielaughridge (Sylacauga, Ala.): N Korea is planning on testing a missile in next 2 wks & that it will LOOK like an attack on the U.S., but won't really be! Really???
@12212012 (Las Vegas, Nev.): Just across the news wire: N. Korea to test missile capable of hitting U.S. within 2 weeks time. Test may resemble attack on U.S. says N. K.
@PurdueSam (West Lafayette, Ind.): N Korea missle test would be "very unhelpful". Is this a preview of the next 4 years? Grow a pair State Dept!

Korea on brink of war?