"Lower manhattan from the empire state building." (Posted by @natalieraymond, of Brooklyn, N.Y., April 8, 2009)
Featured TwitPic: View from the Empire State Building
Salam (Baghdad, Iraq) @kuschkusch my worry is that these killings are almost socially acceptable. And I thought those clerics had bigger concerns than gay bashing 04 Apr 2009 from web in reply to kuschkusch ryanj81 (Wisconsin) Gays in Iraq face killings, cop crackdowns. Is it safe to be gay and live anywhere?? http://viigo.im/gpu 08 Apr 2009 from Viigo joearf ( Old Greenwich, CT )How effectively can you be an advocate for gay rights in Iraq if you're afraid to be killed? 08 Apr 2009 from mobile web
WPennHouse (Washington D.C.) Celebrating the incredible progress on gay rights (Vermont, DC, Iowa), but praying for those in Iraq who are being persecuted. 08 Apr 2009 from web gerock NYTimes front page 2 stories one Gay marriage in Vt the other Gays hunted and killed in Iraq 08 Apr 2009 from Tweetie
Gay men executed in Iraq
felix85 (Ireland) A person aboard the vessel hijacked by pirates is telling The Associated Press that the ship's captain is still being held hostage. 08 Apr 2009 from twhirl caryprewitt (Austin, Teaxs) Looks like the pirates couldn't hold off the Americans. They may have the captain though... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7990566.stm 08 Apr 2009 from web
cmac322 (Washington, DC)Americans are fighting back against those somali pirates, yea! 08 Apr 2009 from txt franklogic (Texas) US crew drove off Somali pirates, that's what I'm talkin about, don't mess with the US. http://tinyurl.com/5vsjbd 08 Apr 2009 from web NewerDeal (Texas) Kick A USA!! Somali pirates hijack a U.S. ship. The hostages kick but and take it back. 08 Apr 2009 from Tweetie
U.S. crew regains control from Somali pirates
Moldovans protest government, come together through Twitter
robcrilly (Nairobi, Africa) sounds like the pirates have worked out how to beat the various flotillas of warships with new tactics 06 Apr 2009 from web shoubhee ..(Seychelles, Africa) Somalian Pirates are now in the Seychelles water territory,,hijacking a fishing boats. 07 Apr 2009 from web arun4 (Muscat, Oman) This is called 'inviting trouble into your own waters'. Somali pirates hijack ship with 20 Americans aboard. http://bit.ly/zhc1i 08 Apr 2009 from web bannernews (New York, US) somalia pirates hijack yet another ship, u.s. flagged. amazing how the greatest minds in the world cant solve this 08 Apr 2009 from mobile web dillon69 (Plymouth, MA) NOW, maybe the Obama admin will something abt the Somalia pirates. 21 Am.s captured, incd a MMA grad. Abt time to stop them. No prisoners. 08 Apr 2009 from web LVBoilermaker (Las Vegas, US) How dumb are somalia pirates. "Um, didn't realize you soldiers were on board....we were just kidding...um...have a nice day" 08 Apr 2009 from web
Somali Pirates Seize U.S. ship
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