"Chuva em brasolias." "Rain in Brasilia." (Posted by @gideljr, Brasilia, Brazil, March 25, 2009)
Featured TwitPic: Rain in Brasilia
kelly_iscool getting excited about the chaos predicted at the G20 this weekend. Bankers are being told to go to work disguised as poor people!! 24 Mar 2009 from mobile web davidjstringer RT @delineator catch-22 for the bankers next week, wear a suit get harassed by #g20 protesters, wear a hoodie get harassed by the police 24 Mar 2009 from web
armelnene had to change the date of London Startup 2.0 TechWorld event due to the G20 summit on same date and same area http://tinyurl.com/c7he4x 24 Mar 2009 from web labellelindsey The gos in class was that the G20, mere minutes from where I live, will close the campus down and cancel classes. Please, let this happen! 24 Mar 2009 from TweetDeck
pressreleases Bloggers to Make History at G20 Summit: A coalition of NGOs - the G20Voice – and the UK government are breaking .. http://tinyurl.com/cs64s8 24 Mar 2009 from twitterfeed evarley Have a message for the G20? Tweet @TheMegaMouth. RT @paulcarr: Who am I to say no to a good cause? http://www.actionaid.org.uk/megamouth 24 Mar 2009 from TweetDeck blacklooks G20 event: convergence on the European Climate Exchange, Hasilwood House, 62 Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AW (street view) at 12:30 exactly. htt ... 24 Mar 2009 from TweetDeck
Protests expected at next week's G20 Summit
AllanSorensen like the CBC I'm re-evaluating my media footprint 25 Mar 2009 from web dinobotmoj Bone chilling wind in my face. Eyes tearing up from the cold. Welcome to Spring. 25 Mar 2009 from txt LeEsSaAahHh Highlight of the day: watching a shoplifter get caught and swarmed by security. 25 Mar 2009 from TwitterBerry Jess1975 I am officially nerding out over the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are..I can't wait. 25 Mar 2009 from web JProskowGlobal Chasing Geese around sunnyside beach.... What a weird way to make a living. 25 Mar 2009 from TwitterBerry
A Day In Toronto
May 7
Featured TwitPic: Street peddler in Indonesia
U.S. banks stress test finds vulnerability
Fire displaces 8,000 in California
Obama meets with Afghan, Pakistan leaders
May 6
Supreme Court protests in Brazil
Library fire drill in Egypt
Russia responds to NATO act
Pregnant woman escapes death penalty
May 5
Featured TwitPics: Heavy rains in Brazil
Berlusconi feud with wife continues
Pakistan asks Swat citizens to flee
Tweets for a Cause reaches world
Georgia claims attempted coup
U.S. officials predict recession end in 2009
May 4
Featured TwitPic: West Coast of Ireland
Swine flu shows signs of slowdown
Nepal Prime Minister Prachanda resigns
Twitter buzzing about Star Wars Day
May 3
Hand of Harmony in South Korea
'Crazy' Martinelli elected president of Panama
Economic woes plague Zimbabwe
IOC leaves Rio impressed by 2016 Olympic bid
May 2
Rio de Janeiro impresses IOC
Featured TwitPic: Stormy day in Texas
Violence escalates in Karachi, Pakistan
Edinburgh helicopters cause a stir on Twitter
May Day protests spark violence in Europe
May 1
Small earthquake shakes Los Angeles area
Sunset at Magnetic Island in Australia
China takes precautions for swine flu
U.N. criticizes Egypt's pig slaughter
Delara Darabi executed in Iran