April 2, 2009

Featured TwitPic: Parade in the streets of Shizuoka, Japan

"Try that again...It's festival time in Shizuoka!" (Posted by @slicesofsoup)


Former Illinois Governor indicted

Per The New York Times, former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich was indicted today on 16 different federal counts. The various indictments include wire fraud and conspiracy to commit racketeering, according to the article.

Initial tweets showed that people were not surprised by the verdict. Some even greeted the news positively.

  1. LooseeBoyo
    lilpup (Chicago area, Ill.) Would love to be called as juror for Blagojevich case just to watch his animation up close. Go get 'em Fitz!
  2. Nina Bauer
    jmarie1074 (Chicago, Ill.) Blagojevich indicted. Golly, didn't see that coming.
  3. Eden Richey Irgens
    EdenIrgens (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho)Thrilled about Blagojevich's felony charges.
  4. Carrie Moten
    AZCarrieAnn32 (Phoenix, Ariz.) Thinks its funny that Blago was partyin' at DisneyWorld while he got slapped with 16 indictments...

  5. TheShaun316
    TheShaun316 (Chicago, Ill.) Blagojevich was indicted today in today's most "No [Expletive] Sherlock" moment!


Jenin youth orchestra director expelled

Per Haaretz, a daily newspaper in Israel, the founder of the Jenin Youth Orchestra has been expelled from the refugee camp where he was working today.

Wafa Younis, the orchestra's Israeli director, created a children's orchestra in a Jenin refugee camp. The children then played for Arabs and Holocaust survivors, an action that caused anger within the camp, according to Haaretz.

Here's what Twitterers had to say about the incident:

  1. tregan
    tregan (Loudon County, Va.) This is truly dumb. Palestinian youth orchestra from Jenin that played for Holocaust survivors now not welcome in camp: http://is.gd/pzoE
  2. jewlicious
    jewlicious (Jerusalem, Israel) @skalik #nudersh Palestinian Orchestra? Obviously not this one from Jenin: http://tinyurl.com/cm2f74 So sad...
  3. James Pyles
    jamespyles (Boise, Idaho) PA expels founder of Jenin youth orchestra over concert for survivors http://is.gd/qkuN PA punishes an actual attempt to really coexist.
  4. CC
    ladamenoire (Mich.) Kids from Jenin perform for Shoah survivors, orchestra gets shut down. Flat out ignorant. http://is.gd/qlyR


Obama takes questions at G20 Summit

The Twitterverse followed closely as U.S. President Barack Obama answered questions from the international press Thursday at the G20 London Summit.

Here were some tweets with reaction as the conference took place:

  1. Alex Evans
    alexevansuk (London, U.K.) obama takes stage at #g20 press conf: some journos started to clap. couldn't help themselves :-)
  2. mathieuvonrohr
    mathieuvonrohr (Hamburg, Germany) #G20 press conference: Obama is sneezing. He is human!
  3. Tim F
    preperat (Melbourne, Australia) I aint an american .. nor do I live there .. but [expletive] I'm glad you guys have someone like Obama in charge now !! #g20
  4. Linda Quinn
    lcquinn (Skokie, Ill.) Obama speach is halting and filled with platitudes. Why do people think he is wonderful. He embarasses me as an American. #G20
  5. tvnewswatch
    tvnewswatch (London, U.K.) not everything was solved, Obama says and welcomes another meeting in late 2009 #G20
  6. Dan Roberts
    RobertsDan (London, U.K.) #G20 #Obama. "I think we did OK. I came here to listen". He sounds like he made a few concessions.
  7. Oscar Henriquez
    xtranger (London, U.K.) Obama keeps thanking 'Brown and his team' ... is this him spreading his so-called 'stardust'? #G20

At least one twitterer was actually at the press conference and provided a live look into the feel of the event and what Obama was saying.

  1. Cheryl Contee
    ch3ryl #G20voice obama press conf is 110% packed at #G20. way more security and govt peeps than Gordon Brown, yo. Obama = rollin' VIP
  2. Cheryl Contee
    ch3ryl #G20 #G20voice Obama press conf -- the air is thick in the 800 person briefing room with anticipation. Obama = global rock star!!!
  3. Cheryl Contee
    ch3ryl #G20 #G20voice Obama press conf: the whole world has been touched by this unprecedented financial crisis
  4. Cheryl Contee
    ch3ryl #G20 #G20voice Obama press conf: to prevent future crises we've created new transparency.


G20: deals and demonstrations

Per BBC News, leaders from the G20 nations have agreed on a new one trillion dollar package to tackle the global financial crisis at their meeting in London.

Meanwhile, Britain's Sky News reports on ongoing violence as protests against the G20 continue.

Here's how Twitterers reacted to the initial news of the trillion dollar deal:

  1. Alex Morris
    alexjamesmorris sSo the G20 are dishing out a cool trillion. Kind of an arbitrary figure until you see this http://bit.ly/cxVls
  2. kirstywiseman
    kirstywiseman so - the G20 have injected 1 trillion squids into TMF. That will go nowhere & we will all still be skint. Im the height of happiness 2 day
  3. joysamcyborg
    joysamcyborg US to the world at the G20 summit :"If they don't have bread, let them eat cake!!"
  4. Gaby Mahlberg
    TheHistoryWoman G20 leaders have agreed on stricter regulations for hedge funds and tax havens.

Meanwhile, protests have continued in London's financial district, with clashes at times erupting between police and demonstrators:

  1. Alok Jha
    alokjha Exchange sq largely empty now except for sit-in by around 20 pple, closely circled by police #g20
  2. Darren Marlow
    Snufkin21 Police tighten cordon as protester anger mounts. Insults traded. Senior officer tells unmasked woman activist to take her mask off.G20 LOL
  3. John Wilson
    johndwilson #g20 I found the police dogs were very persuasive when I was asked to move back inside 135 bishopsgate
  4. Colin Wills
    wineteach Might see #G20 action after all. After two days of nothing Broadgate shutters have suddenly come down, police are swarming, traffic stopped.


A day in Accra, Ghana

Accra is a busy business capital of one of West Africa’s most peaceful nations – Ghana. It’s not only busy on the sunny and mostly dusty streets but people are also busy on the internet tweeting about their daily lives. It ranges from taking of loan for business to expensive funerals and other wasteful expenses. Enjoy:

  1. Justin
    jdakorah @GrowGhana (Accra) you got that right, funny thing, you can't imagine the things we pay for, huge houses, huge funerals, huge litigations #ghana
  2. Earth Times
    EarthTimesPR (unknown) Vanco and LUKOIL Sign New Petroleum Agreement in Ghana - Drilling Unit Leaves Port for Deepwater Drilling http://tinyurl.com/dbtqwz
  3. David Mizejewski
    Dmizejewski Check out my friend David's new book on Ghana, where he lived for two years. The photography is amazing. http://poprl.com/03he
  4. KivaLendinActivitis
    kivalendactivts Greta, Colorado, US has given loan amount of 650 to Akua Gyamfuah, Mampong, Ghana.
    Reason: Procure second hand clothes to sell.
  5. GrowGhana
    GrowGhana (Accra) met a street seller, a born marketer- weaving between cars SELLING Trinkets - he's a hustler & makes $- OLDSCHOOL pure Ghana talent!
  6. Rodney Quarcoo
    RodneyQuarcoo @lloydmusic welcome to Ghana! hope you enjoy the experience, looking fwd to seeing you perform tomorrow!
  7. kent
    mensah (Accra) I love the weather in Ghana today. I'm afraid of the wet rainy season (floods) :-)
