According to
The Winnipeg Sun, Canadian Vincent Li was found not criminally responsible for the stabbing and decapitating of 22-year old Tim McLean aboard a Greyhound bus in July of 2008.
Justice John Scurfield delivered the verdict to a packed courtroom this afternoon. The verdict dictated that Li will not serve jail time for the murder, but will rather be sent to the
Selkirk Mental Health Centre in Manitoba to treat his schizophrenia.
The Twitterverse throughout Canada was ablaze with negative reactions to the decison not to jail Li.
@Rocky1138 (Guelph, Ontario): You know, sometimes this great country of ours disappoints me.. Vince Li gets off scott-free.
@mrEBANKS (Toronto): Vince Li, found not criminally responsible due to mental illness!?!? that's getting away with murder...:( Sad.
@becksy21 (Edmonton): vince li not found criminally responsible is a bunch of crock! mental or not!
@Dingwell (Alberta): would write something vulgar about Vince Li... but doesn't want to get in trouble.. if only mob justice was still allowed.
@davidjamesgreen (Edmonton): Vince Li found NOT criminally responsible due to mental illness. Anyone else think the justice system has failed??
Others took a more rational approach, understanding the severity of Li's condition.
@whoopseedaisy (Vancouver): Vince Li is not criminally responsible. Clearly, you don't behead and cannibalize someone if you are sane. What do you think of the verdict?
One Twitterer waxed poetic about the case:
@Haiku_Headlines Vince Li found insane / Bus decapitator case / Tragic all around #haiku #senryu
The Winnipeg Free Press news team offered a video report from the courthouse where the verdict was given:
@WinnipegNews: VIDEO: Mike McIntyre reports on the end of the Vince Li trial:

Canadian found not guilty for beheading