April 14, 2009

Featured TwitPic: Rainbow in Pakistan

"rainbow over lahore" (Posted by @stolidimran, Lahore, Pakistan)


Hawaii experiences moderate earthquake

Per KHNL in Hawaii, an earthquake with a 5.1 magnitude shook the island of Hawaii, Hawaii, today at 12:44 p.m. local time.

Here were some tweets from the affected area in chronological order, beginning with the first to break the news of the quake to Twitter:

  1. Allen Townsend
    allentenn (Hilo, Hawaii) big time earthquake!!!!!!
  2. Darrin Carlson
    dcb97 (Hilo, Hawaii) Whoa just felt an earthquake in Hilo. Small kine but it rocked and rolled a bit.
  3. 808 blogger
    808blogger (Puna, Hawaii) whoa.... we just had a good sized quake
  4. RJ Mendoza
    bknykanaka (Hilo, Hawaii) MY FIRST EARTHQUAKE!
  5. castleinhawaii
    castleinhawaii (Pahao, Hawaii) HUGE earthquake in Pahao


Paraguay's president admits having child while bishop

Per the Christian Science Monitor, President Fernando Lugo of Paraguay has admitted to having a child with a 16-year-old while he was a Catholic bishop.

While the news was a surprise, "most people [in Paraguay] would take the news in stride," sources told Christian Science Monitor.

Indeed, most Twitterers in Paraguay and elsewhere in Latin America seemed to support Lugo, pointing out he is human, with some calling for an end to the Catholic Church's celibacy policy.

  1. Acertijo
    Acertijo (Asunción, Paraguay) No nos rasguemos las vestiduras! Lugo no es más que un ser humano. Y no conozco directa ni indirectamente ni uno solo que no tenga errores. (We do not tear their hair out! Lugo is just a human being. And I do not know directly or indirectly, not one that has no errors.)
  2. Cesar D. Rodas
    crodas (Asunción, Paraguay) Sinceramente, no creo que en este tiempo, algún mortal pueda morir casto, el celibato es una religiosidad sin sentido. #lugo (Frankly, I do not think that at this time, a mortal can die chaste, celibacy is a religious nonsense. #lugo)
  3. luís felipe
    lfds (Port Alegre, Brazil) o jornal que acha o celibato uma convenção ultrapassada é o mesmo que vê "constrangimento" no fato de Fernando Lugo assumir seu filho! (the paper finds that the celibacy is an outdated convention that sees the same "constraint" in fact take his son Fernando Lugo!)
  4. Cynega
    Cynega (Argentina) Todavía estoy pensando en la frase del monseñor paraguayo que dijo que "Lugo fue muy valiente, porque dijo la verdad". Aplausos. (I'm still thinking about the sentence that said Monsignor paraguayo "Lugo was very brave, because he said the truth." Applause.)
  5. Flávio
    flavioperez13 (Brazil) Fernando Lugo é o cara. Assumiu a bronca e entrou na mira, mais uma vez, o bispado (Fernando Lugo is the man. Took the hole and came in sight, again, the diocese)
  6. Alexsander Carranza
    Alexsander_pe (Lima, Peru) El caso de Lugo se complica por haber mantenido una relación sentimental (y tal vez sexual) con la madre de su hijo cuando está tenía16 años (Lugo's case is complicated by having had an affair (and perhaps sexual) with a woman becoming a mother to a son at 16 years)


Trial begins for American journalist in Iran

Per The New York Times, the trial of Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, 31, has begun and a verdict is expected in the next three weeks. She is being accused of spying for the United States.

The Web site Free Roxana Saberi has had an active presence on both Twitter and Facebook, advocating for Saberi's release. Here are a few of its latest tweets and responses to the account:

  1. Free Roxana Saberi
    freeroxana LA Times reporter Borzou Daragahi discusses Roxana’s case http://tinyurl.com/dgqwux
  2. Free Roxana Saberi
    freeroxana Roxana at top of NYT homepage: http://www.nytimes.com/
  3. Lorraine Thompson
    WritersKitchen (Hudson Valley, N.Y.) RT @noelleee: Here’s a great one for #followfriday: @freeroxana. Keep abreast of how you can help free journalist from Iranian detainment
  4. Michael Luo
    michaelluo (New York, N.Y.) NYT on Roxana Saberi, Iranian-American journalist, held in Iran on espionage charges. http://is.gd/smEd Follow @freeroxana for latest.
  5. Sam Taylor
    samtaylormusic (New York, N.Y.) RT: Following @freeroxana to support Roxana Saberi, American journalist detained in Iran.

Here's some other reaction from the Twitterverse regarding these latest developments in Iran:

  1. reginajmc
    reginajmc (St. Petersburg, Fla.) Can't believe journo (and fellow Cobber) Roxana Saberi now charged with espionage: http://tinyurl.com/ckua8p
  2. Walker Burns
    wajobu (New England) @nprpolitics Oh, and I think that the fact that Roxanna Saberi is being held hostage by Iran can't get enough airplay.
  3. jenniferhdaniel
    jenniferhdaniel (N.C./S.C.) Think about Roxana Saberi and your rights to free speech today.
  4. George Jobson
    GeorgeJobson (Kalamazoo, Mich.) @HuffNewswire Iran should let Roxana Saberi go!
  5. John T. Hoffoss
    jth (Minneapolis, Minn.) An Iranian judge (!) charges Saberi with espionage. http://is.gd/sowv I don't think this will end well.


A Day in Beirut

Looking back on Easter, many tweeted happy feelings in Lebanon.

NadaSZ (Beirut) "enjoying the peace and quiet @ work while everyone is off celebrating Easter"

Azzi (Beirut) "The weather was great today for Easter Sunday sunny and warm."

sinusarrythmias (Phoenicia) "Easter! =) Brand new start! Refrain from sins, or any doubtingly sinful ideas..=)"

aubchick3113 (Beirut) "Which reminds me,happy easter to those who celebrate it,now give me chocolate eggs!Hehe"

nouchalien (Beirut) "drinking my coffee and reading the news. Good Morning. Happy Easter/Sunday"
