May 13, 2009

Obama changes mind: Opposes POW abuse photos

Per USA Today, United States President Barack Obama has decided that he is now against the release of photos detailing alleged abuse of prisoners of war in Afghanistan and Iraq. According to Pentagon spokesperson Geoff Morrell, some military commanders have raised concerns that releasing said images could aid al-Qaeda in their propaganda efforts.

The 44 images in question were part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and are slated to be released to the public on May 28th.  

Early Twitterverse reaction appears to be in favor of President Obama's switched view on the issue:

  1. Beacon Of Light
    BeaconOfLight (Unlisted location) Obama finally realized release of pictures would put US soldiers in danger. Da, 4 as smart as he is supposed 2 B, it took him long enough. 
  2. Jamey Falkenbury
    Jamey_F (Unlisted location) Wow Obama... You actually are thinking and not releasing pictures.. Finally good job 
  3. Maureen Johnson
    MoBrain (Unlisted location ) Just heard Obama is blocking the pictures of "torture" under Bush Admin. I'm suspicious. Maybe Cheney hit a nerve! 
  4. Darren Ehlers
    ehlersd (Texas) RT @texaszman: LOL! Obama Reverses Course, NOW opposes release of Prison Pictures! Wait! Which way is the Wind Blowing?? 
  5. Tom Murphy
    MSGTAM (Woodland, WA) Sitting here thinking that President Obama made a great decision in not releasing the interrogation pictures. 


Pope supports Palestinian state

Per BBC, Pope Benedict XVI shows his approval and support for the Palestinians' right to a homeland, as he continues a Middle East tour in the West Bank.

In Bethlehem the Pope called for a "just and lasting" peace in the region and encouraged the citizens of Palestine to denounce acts of violence and terrorism.

Twitter users in the region speak about the Pope's visit:

  1. Pnina Weiss
    Pnina (Jerusalem) G'morning from Jerusalem, where the Pope is currently a 5 min walk from my house. Think he'd like to try a hafooch?
  2. Orly Halpern
    JerusalemBureau (Jerusalem) I think the #Pope's walkout reflects politics, not integrity
  3. Fr. Jonathan Morris
    fatherjonathan (Rome, Italy) Doing radio tour today on Pope's visit to Jordan and Israel. One host expressed shock the Pope would call for a two-state solution. What?!

Some citizens are inconvenienced by the Pope:

  1. ASoldiersMother
    ASoldiersMother (Jerusalem, Israel) Tell that to the pope! Wanted to get across town yesterday...but driving there wasn't an option :-) At least 2day is better.
  2. Gary
    sarijos (Jerusalem) no traffic snarls today :-) The pope is still visiting somewhere else
  3. carol warady
    carolw (Israel) Spent the day in Jerusalem. Only inconvenienced by the Pope once.
  4. Jerri Benjamin
    jerrib247 (Jerusalem, Israel) The Pope being in Jerusalem is a traffic nightmare! Whole sections of the city are closed down. What a pain.


Nigeria: Thousands protest high fuel prices

Per BBC: Nigerian police are on high alert in the city of Lagos as an anti-government march takes place on Wednesday. Hundreds of thousands of Nigerians hit the streets in protest of rising fuel prices, low minimum wages and the slow process of electoral reform.

The Nigeria Labour Congress has served notice to the Federal Government that more protests around the country would follow if the government does not meet its demands.

Twitterers in Nigeria and elsewhere covered the event:

  1. Dennis Ude Atuanya
    dennisude (Abuja, Nigeria) Crude oil theft in Nigeria's niger delta bears economic, environmental, socio-political and security problems.
  2. NEXT
    234next (Nigeria) Lagos/Nigeria - Police in Ikeja cheer on workers in peaceful protest march.
  3. Politics News
    WorldPolitics (India) Nigeria: Labour Protest - FG Raises Security Alert - #LinkTweet
  4. Francis P Barclay
    francjournalist (Bangalore, India) Security heavy at Nigeria march: Thousands of protesters take to the streets of a Nigerian city for an anti-gove..


Featured TwitPic: Refugees in Pakistan

"IMSciences students in Jalozai SWABI refugee camp" #swat #idp
(Posted by @bilish, 35 kilometers southwest of Peshawar, Pakistan May 13, 2009)
