"Inis Óirr, Aran Islands, Co. Galway. Spent 3weeks here learning Irish as it is a Gaeltacht region(they only speak irish). Time of my life :)" (Posted by @leanneEve91, of Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland, May 4, 2009)
Featured TwitPic: West Coast of Ireland
MarcoAlberto (Mexico City, Mexico) Ojalá la influenza se lleve a las almas malas de este país!! (Hopefully, the flu is done carrying to the souls of this poor country!) 04 May 2009 from web AnaCristinaMo (Guadalajara, Mexico) ¿Se acuerdan de aquellos tiempos cuando todos teníamos pánico de la influenza? (Remember those days when we all had the flu panic?) 04 May 2009 from web JesusT (Mexico City, Mexico) influenza, regresame mi ciudad, ya quiero ir a comer como dios manda!!!!! (Influenza, regresses my city, I go to eat as a god send !!!!!) 04 May 2009 from Do victorpv (Puerta Vallarta, Mexico) Siempre dije, que eso de la influenza solo era propaganda politica... Por eso, Yo Tambien Anulare Mi Voto... (Always said, that the influenza was only propaganda political ... So, I ring my vote) 04 May 2009 from web jorgehero (Mexico City, Mexico) Influenza: "Bueno, pues gracias por participar, regresan a clases el jueves". (Influenza: "Well, thanks for participating, return with classes on Thursday") 04 May 2009 from web
Staurofila (Tlalnepantla, Mexico) Cada día soy mas adicta a las noticias, ya estoy trabajando; esto de la influenza tiene que acabar!!! Nos estamos volviendo locos!!! (Every day I am more addicted to the news, I'm working, that the influenza has to stop! We are becoming crazy!) 04 May 2009 from TwitterFon aceram (Mexico City, Mexico) @Ruleiro en mi humilde opinion yo creo que ya contamos con la info suficiente para lo de la influenza. Gracias (o ya chole, no?) (@Ruleiro in my humble opinion I think that we already have enough for the info about the flu. Thanks (or Chol, no?) 04 May 2009 from TwitterBerry
El_Universal_Mx (Mexico City, Mexico) Aquí una expliación general del Sistema de Alerta Sanitaria del DF. #influenza #h1n1 http://tinyurl.com/ccg8kb (Here a general explanation of the Alert System Sanitary City) 04 May 2009 from web RunMX2 (Mexico City, Mexico) De acuerdo a la UNAM se puede hacer ejercicio al aire libre, solo mantenerse alejados de otras personas http://tinyurl.com/d54a7g #influenza (According to UNAM exercise can be done outdoors, just stay away from other people) 04 May 2009 from web el_economista (Mexico City, Mexico) Tips para vivir con la influenza en cines, teatros y auditorios: Las reuniones colectivas son difíciles de evita.. http://twurl.nl/j58pu2 (Tips for living with influenza in cinemas, theaters and auditoriums: The group meetings are difficult to avoid) 04 May 2009 from twitterfeed
Swine flu shows signs of slowing in Mexico
bopsource (Kathmandu, Nepal) Breaking news: Nepal's Maoist Prime Minister Prachanda just announced resignation 04 May 2009 from web bopsource (Kathmandu, Nepal) #nepalcrisis Prachanda has resigned. Shouting in the streets 04 May 2009 from web
saradthapa (Patan, Nepal) Nepal PM just quits the government. Prachanda is no more PM. New coalition government is forming up. hope for the best. 04 May 2009 from TweetDeck freddie_b (Kathmandu, Nepal) Damn right! that was ego. RT @RajSudip: PRACHANDA QUITS- ego Problem in Nepal's Politics #nepalcrisis 04 May 2009 from Twitterfall nepalsites (Kathmandu, Nepal) Prachanda steps down as prime minister of Nepal. ok. who's next on the hot seat? 04 May 2009 from web
Nepal Prime Minister Prachanda resigns
gmsarli (Denton, Texas) Happy Star Wars Day! (Why today, you ask? "May the 4th be with you!" Nyuk nyuk nyuk!) 04 May 2009 from TwitterFox brightondoll (U.S.A.) And so it was... awake at 4 am giggling over how I just now got the whole "Happy Star Wars Day - May the 4th be with you" Nerdy & I like it! 04 May 2009 from web KingTutsWWH (Leeds, U.K.) Happy Star Wars Day to one and all, especially to my geeky other half. Might be celebrating with a little lightsaber combat later on...hehe 04 May 2009 from web Hux333 (Australia) Apparently it's Star Wars day, so for all my fellow nerds, Happy Star Wars day!!! (Why do i even bother?!?) 04 May 2009 from web LolaLalau (Shanghai, China) Who knew today is Star Wars Day? May the 4th be with you... 04 May 2009 from web
Twitter buzzing about Star Wars Day
May 7
Featured TwitPic: Street peddler in Indonesia
U.S. banks stress test finds vulnerability
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May 6
Supreme Court protests in Brazil
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May 5
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Tweets for a Cause reaches world
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U.S. officials predict recession end in 2009
May 4
Featured TwitPic: West Coast of Ireland
Swine flu shows signs of slowdown
Nepal Prime Minister Prachanda resigns
Twitter buzzing about Star Wars Day
May 3
Hand of Harmony in South Korea
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Violence escalates in Karachi, Pakistan
Edinburgh helicopters cause a stir on Twitter
May Day protests spark violence in Europe
May 1
Small earthquake shakes Los Angeles area
Sunset at Magnetic Island in Australia
China takes precautions for swine flu
U.N. criticizes Egypt's pig slaughter
Delara Darabi executed in Iran