"山大校园中的孔夫子塑像。" (Alexander the campus statue of Confucius.)
(Posted by @chinewinelover, Jinan, China)
Featured TwitPic: Confucius statue in China
thestapeliaco Just read this headline: "Giant space blob found near dawn of time." Is this actual news or the title of the latest Orson Scott Card novel? 23 Apr 2009 from web leahshull Giant space blob?!? Where is Jean Luc when we need him? http://bit.ly/5sKOq 23 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck PopSci A warm PopSci hello to 12.9-billion-year-old ultra-massive primordial space blob Himiko! http://bit.ly/VyvNh -PDA 23 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck SubverseRadio @tefkas Stubbed my toe earlier. Think it was Space Blob anxiety. For the sake of the kids, please can someone resolve this Space Blob crisis 23 Apr 2009 from web in reply to tefkas tempestreverie A "space mystery blob" 12.9 billion light years away is named Himiko. Hah! 23 Apr 2009 from web mgstack1980 I'm so glad we discovered the blob in space. Take that Big Bang theory! 23 Apr 2009 from web
Scientists puzzled over giant space blob
@DomeGoat (United States) @BreakingNews If I'm reading all the updates right, suicide bombings seem to be on the rise in Iraq 23 Apr 2009 from web in reply to BreakingNews @azzi (Beirut, Lebanon)@octavianasrCNN why all this violence iraq today?? Is this day something specific and coordinated or is it just random violence 23 Apr 2009 from web in reply to octavianasrCNN @CitizenWayne (Washington, US) Leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq is arrested, but the media focus is on the bombings? Success is not interesting news? http://tinyurl.com/cxe39t 23 Apr 2009 from twhirl @yourstuffstores (Texas, US) cnn.com Bombings kill more than 70 in Iraq ,BUT THERE IS NO war or TERRa 23 Apr 2009 from web @JDudd (Mississippi, US) I just saw that dozens were killed in Iraq by suicide attacks. This makes me wonder if my brother is okay. Haven't heard from him in a month 23 Apr 2009 from mobile web @americankestrel (Undisclosed) How will this be ignored?: Two terrorist incidents in Iraq left almost 200 people dead or injured, including Ira.. http://tinyurl.com/cydgeb 23 Apr 2009 from twitterfeed
Suicide bombers rock Iraq
cinebo (San Antonio, Texas) Well that's always a sentence U wanna hear...RT @cnn: Virus samples missing from lab, Army says http://tinyurl.com/dbw6pc 23 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck JonHutson (Cambridge, Mass.) Just. Stay. Calm. DoNotPanic. Yet. US Army: 3 vials of virus samples missing from Ft. Detrick http://alturl.com/epyc (via @lsaldanamd) 23 Apr 2009 from web firepile (Wisconsin) CNN gives the first hint of the 12 Monkeys apocalypse: "Army: 3 vials of virus samples missing from Maryland facility" Just AWESOME. 23 Apr 2009 from twhirl chrissytinne (Washington, D.C.) I feel like the army is the type of institution that cant just be like oops! missing a deadly virus! no worries http://tiny.cc/79gVh 23 Apr 2009 from web
ElChingon (San Diego, Calif.) Deadly Equine Virus missing at Army lab: http://tinyurl.com/cun4hd 21 horses died this weekend: http://tinyurl.com/da6y8n -connection?hmmm? 23 Apr 2009 from web
U.S. Army: Missing virus samples potentially deadly
BBCTravelAlert #Tube - Morning faithful traveller. Let's start with the good; normal service on the Victoria line 23 Apr 2009 from web
Tyron11 victoria line suspended, it cost me four hours of my life... im gna [expletive] on the tube in protest next time im drunk 22 Apr 2009 from web Article_Dan Balls. Forgotten the [expletive] victoria line debacle. On heaving tube going nowhere I want to go. 22 Apr 2009 from Tweetie stustap TFL are conspiring to stop me getting home tonight. No victoria line? Balham and Tooting closed? 22 Apr 2009 from TwitterFon Peet81 Victoria line still closed [expletive] [expletive]! 88 dont fail me now! 22 Apr 2009 from txt geoffrebbeck Delays to Euston and no Victoria line so not home until 9.30pm. Sigh... Now to prepare for AAV. at college 22 Apr 2009 from twitterrific m80her ... and wtf have Victoria line staff got to strike about!?! Get the [expletive] on with it and be glad you've still got a job, [expletive] unions... 22 Apr 2009 from web
Strike ends for popular Tube line in London
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