American Twitterers welcomed the news with sarcasm.
cinebo (San Antonio, Texas) Well that's always a sentence U wanna hear...RT @cnn: Virus samples missing from lab, Army says JonHutson (Cambridge, Mass.) Just. Stay. Calm. DoNotPanic. Yet. US Army: 3 vials of virus samples missing from Ft. Detrick (via @lsaldanamd) firepile (Wisconsin) CNN gives the first hint of the 12 Monkeys apocalypse: "Army: 3 vials of virus samples missing from Maryland facility" Just AWESOME. chrissytinne (Washington, D.C.) I feel like the army is the type of institution that cant just be like oops! missing a deadly virus! no worries
At least one Twitterer wondered if there's a connection between this story and the mysterious deaths of 21 horses in Florida, also being reported by CNN today.
ElChingon (San Diego, Calif.) Deadly Equine Virus missing at Army lab: 21 horses died this weekend: -connection?hmmm?