April 21, 2009

Featured TwitPic: Sunrise over Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

"Sunrise over golden gate bridge" (Posted by @hxu)


Somali teen charged with piracy in New York

Per BBC, a Somali teenager and suspected pirate detained by American forces after the rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips has appeared in a New York federal court today.

The judge shut the public out of the proceedings until he had time to decide whether Abde Wale Abdul Kadhir Muse would be tried as juvenile or an adult.

The trial was made accessible to public after the judge concluded that the suspect would be tried as an adult.

The Somali teen will be the first criminal to face piracy charges in the United States in over 100 years, US media reports say according to BBC NEWS.

Twitter users raise some interesting questions:
  1. Erica Nurnberg
    @ericanurnberg (Jerusalem) Why would we want bring the captured teen Somali Pirate to New York to face trial??? Ridiculous! http://tinyurl.com/dbdz6g
  2. Kahenya
    @kahenya (Nairobi, Kenya) How to get free entry into the US and a free Visa... Just be a pirate. Guaranteed to get you in... http://tinyurl.com/cfghfz
  3. Nyambosa. G. Maroa
    @ngmaroa (Kenya) interesting the pirate's mother did not assist Pres. Obama solve the pirate stand off amicably. He should face the due process of law.

Others comment on the demeanor of the captured teen:
  1. Chris Collins
    @bedheadchicken (Undisclosed) wants to know why the Somali pirate is so happy. the guy is adorable!
  2. carolynreisapr
    @carolynreisapr (Orlando, Florida) Does the Somali pirate arraigned in NYC today think he's going to jail or Disney World? Hard to tell from the smile on his face.
  3. Katie P
    @KPappsmear (Chicago, IL) Dude that Somali pirate was cheesing hard as HELL as they were walking him in to prison ..... wonder what he was thinking about


Conflict in Sri Lanka continues

Per CNN, the deadline for Tamil Tiger Rebels in northern Sri Lanka has passed as the rebel sources are claiming civilian casualties to be 1,000 people. The Sri Lankan military has claimed that they have rescued close to 35,000 people that had been trapped in a government safe zone. Sri Lanka has been battling the Tigers for 25 years now, which has been declared a terrorist organization by 32 countries.

Some in the Twitterverse are saddened by the ongoing events:

  1. C. Enrique Ortiz
    eortiz (Austin, Texas) hope the best to the people but especially the *children* of Sri Lanka who are trapped in the middle of civil war - http://bit.ly/lYEoh
  2. Rajini Bastians
    rethi (Location not listed) Whats going to happen to Sri Lanka now....
  3. Nish Matthews
    CoachNish (Canada) I was born in Sri Lanka and I am ashamed that they are still fighting over there. I have been raised since I was 5 in Canada.love this place


Violence in Kenya kills 24

Per Reuters UK, At least 24 people were killed in central Kenya when members of the outlawed Mungiki gang, known as Kenya's version of the mafia according to Reuters UK, clashed with residents of the "Kirinyaga district out of Karatina" on Tuesday morning.

According to Rueters the gang is known for mutilations and beheadings. Per BBC, "the residents of Karatina decided to fight back because the sect had been extorting money from local people."

Twitterers from Nairobi share their frustration about the Mungiki sect.

  1. Chris Kamande
    tafrijaplayer (Nairobi, Kenya) Is it ok for the locals in Karatina to lynch the Mungiki scoundrels?! Sad but its the only way to clean them out after our police failed ...
  2. Mzungu Chick
    lostwhitekenyan (Nairobi, Kenya) 411. 24 people killed overnight as Karatina residents battle Mungiki insurgents. Police say those killed on either side remains unclear
  3. Mzungu Chick
    lostwhitekenyan (Nairobi, Kenya) The wanainchi are fighting the mungiki whilst our politicians bitch and moan and achieve nothing, and they call this democracy
  4. kainvestor
    kainvestor (Nairobi, Kenya) what will happen with that vigilante group thats killing mungiki sect member now once they eliminate them completely? they become mungiki!!

Twitter users are already expressing their feelings on this recent development.

  1. iansplashturner
    iansplashturner (UK) I always forget how hard life must be in Kenya where the potential for violence must hang over you every day http://bit.ly/Cf7cS
  2. Teddy Chenya
    tchenya (Entasopia, Nguruman) dozens killed in kenyan violence http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8009512.stm some leader to stand up and lead Kenya
  3. SWMaina
    swmaina RT @dailynation: (Nairobi) 25 dead in Kenya violence http://tinyurl.com/c5d7ss [#Mungiki]
  4. zalsio
    zalsio (Undisclosed) can the Kenyan Government do something on Mungiki


Israel observes moment of silence for Holocaust victims

Per YNet News, sirens sounded throughout Israel at 10 a.m. local time today, giving the signal for Israelis to observe a two-minute moment of silence to remember the lives that were lost during the Holocaust.

Some Twitterers in Israel took note of the pause in their daily life.

  1. leorah weinstein
    LeorahWeinstein (Herzliya, Israel) standing in silent remembrance of holocaust victims inc. own family Franz and Olga Kahn, David, Leah and Cilly Edelstein Otto Friedler
  2. Ouriel Ohayon
    OurielOhayon (Tel Aviv, Israel) 1 minute of silence in all israel in remembrance of the jewish holocaust
  3. mikeeisenberg
    mikeeisenberg (Jerusalem, Israel) 2 minute siren of silence for victims of holocaust just ended. Can the world silence ahmadinejad?
  4. Gary Arndt
    EverywhereTrip (Tel Aviv, Israel) The Holocaust Remembrance siren went off. Everyone stops what they are doing and stands still for 2 min
  5. Lisha Sterling
    lishevita (Tel Aviv, Israel) It doesn't matter that I *know* there will be a siren at 10am on Holocaust memorial day. It still takes me by surprise every time.
  6. ASoldiersMother
    ASoldiersMother (Jerusalem, Israel) All we can do is learn from the Holocaust.
