April 21, 2009

Somali teen charged with piracy in New York

Per BBC, a Somali teenager and suspected pirate detained by American forces after the rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips has appeared in a New York federal court today.

The judge shut the public out of the proceedings until he had time to decide whether Abde Wale Abdul Kadhir Muse would be tried as juvenile or an adult.

The trial was made accessible to public after the judge concluded that the suspect would be tried as an adult.

The Somali teen will be the first criminal to face piracy charges in the United States in over 100 years, US media reports say according to BBC NEWS.

Twitter users raise some interesting questions:
  1. Erica Nurnberg
    @ericanurnberg (Jerusalem) Why would we want bring the captured teen Somali Pirate to New York to face trial??? Ridiculous! http://tinyurl.com/dbdz6g
  2. Kahenya
    @kahenya (Nairobi, Kenya) How to get free entry into the US and a free Visa... Just be a pirate. Guaranteed to get you in... http://tinyurl.com/cfghfz
  3. Nyambosa. G. Maroa
    @ngmaroa (Kenya) interesting the pirate's mother did not assist Pres. Obama solve the pirate stand off amicably. He should face the due process of law.

Others comment on the demeanor of the captured teen:
  1. Chris Collins
    @bedheadchicken (Undisclosed) wants to know why the Somali pirate is so happy. the guy is adorable!
  2. carolynreisapr
    @carolynreisapr (Orlando, Florida) Does the Somali pirate arraigned in NYC today think he's going to jail or Disney World? Hard to tell from the smile on his face.
  3. Katie P
    @KPappsmear (Chicago, IL) Dude that Somali pirate was cheesing hard as HELL as they were walking him in to prison ..... wonder what he was thinking about

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