"Tobacco Caye from 2500 feet looking south along the Belize Barrier Reef. Note the clear water and spectacular spur and groove coral formation" (Posted by @trphoto, Belize, March 22, 2009)
Featured TwitPic: Barrier Reef in Belize
UK reality TV star dies
jiinnyda It's more exciting to look around twitter threads of Wbc than watching tv. Actually, there is no way watching the game in OZ #WBC 22 Mar 2009 from TwitterFon VyvyanH now knows the worst smell in the world. Off lamb & roo meat. Fark. 22 Mar 2009 from fb2twitter JoanneRighetti Been to a couple of dog pounds in sydney this weekend and its a traumatic experience - wanting to adopt every unwanted animal! 22 Mar 2009 from web badMulletBoy Re-pinging @DaLzz: Man bashed to death at Sydney airport qantas check in today. --- ummm, where was security? WTF! 22 Mar 2009 from Twinkle kkindlen love a late afternoon beach swim. Beautiful day, crowds gone home. Ah, long may the summer-y days last. 22 Mar 2009 from web __jaded Ingredients for an awesome Sunday - 1 part good company mixed lightly with pool and beer at bondi. Add awesome weather to taste... 22 Mar 2009 from mobile web jobonekenobi watching Russian Dolls, didn't realise it was set in Sydney, and filmed a lot in Bondi! 22 Mar 2009 from web
A Day in Sydney
May 7
Featured TwitPic: Street peddler in Indonesia
U.S. banks stress test finds vulnerability
Fire displaces 8,000 in California
Obama meets with Afghan, Pakistan leaders
May 6
Supreme Court protests in Brazil
Library fire drill in Egypt
Russia responds to NATO act
Pregnant woman escapes death penalty
May 5
Featured TwitPics: Heavy rains in Brazil
Berlusconi feud with wife continues
Pakistan asks Swat citizens to flee
Tweets for a Cause reaches world
Georgia claims attempted coup
U.S. officials predict recession end in 2009
May 4
Featured TwitPic: West Coast of Ireland
Swine flu shows signs of slowdown
Nepal Prime Minister Prachanda resigns
Twitter buzzing about Star Wars Day
May 3
Hand of Harmony in South Korea
'Crazy' Martinelli elected president of Panama
Economic woes plague Zimbabwe
IOC leaves Rio impressed by 2016 Olympic bid
May 2
Rio de Janeiro impresses IOC
Featured TwitPic: Stormy day in Texas
Violence escalates in Karachi, Pakistan
Edinburgh helicopters cause a stir on Twitter
May Day protests spark violence in Europe
May 1
Small earthquake shakes Los Angeles area
Sunset at Magnetic Island in Australia
China takes precautions for swine flu
U.N. criticizes Egypt's pig slaughter
Delara Darabi executed in Iran