"Earth hour at mc donalds silver city. #earthhour #voteearth #manila" (Posted by @mrmacchiato, Manila, Philippines, March 28, 2009)
Featured TwitPic: Lights out at McDonalds in Philippines
steve2425 (U.K.) Watched BBC Parliament on "Gordon save the world Brown" EU speech yawn,yawn, Nigel and Daniel Hannan's speeches best bits! #UKIP 28 Mar 2009 from web doreenseaton (U.K.) MEP Daniel Hannan delivers knockout blow to Gordon Brown at EU. Gordon, please say "Sorry" before you leave No.10. http://tinyurl.com/c8fbp7 28 Mar 2009 from web harrytheboat (Leicestershire-on-Sea, U.K.) There is a god, and his name is Daniel Hannan, good show old boy! 28 Mar 2009 from TweetDeck highlanderfae (Texas, USA) Wishing we had someone like Daniel Hannan (Brit politician for those of you who don't know) in Congress. 28 Mar 2009 from web
U.K. official blasts Prime Minister Brown
thefoxguy (Location undisclosed) And I don't understand why Madonna extended her tour thru summer and she wants to adopt another child? Stay home and be a mom! 28 Mar 2009 from Tweetie PattiCooke (Texas, USA) Grandmother of Malawi girl wants to adopt her to stop Madonna from "stealing" her- http://tinyurl.com/cx8xpy 28 Mar 2009 from web adamkaveney (London, U.K.) Save The Children have "urged" Madonna not to adopt more kids. How bad a mother do you have to be for that to happen? 28 Mar 2009 from web frostfire (Location undisclosed) Should single mother Madonna be allowed to adopt again? 28 Mar 2009 from TweetDeck Mrs_Penguin (West Midlands, U.K.) What is Madonna trying to achieve when she adopts another child from Malawi? I think it's ridiculous. 28 Mar 2009 from Power Twitter
Madonna Malawi adoption concerns
earthhour Earth Hour has begun in the Chatham Islands!!!! The first place in the world. Woohooo 28 Mar 2009 from web
komantam (Melbourne, Australia) Sitting at Melbourne zoo and waiting for the earth hour concert c w stoneking jungle blues 28 Mar 2009 from TwitterFon TalisaO (London, U.K.) Everyone in India....EARTH HOUR-8:30 TO 9:30 pm. Switch off all your lights. spread the word :) 28 Mar 2009 from web artempleman (Auckland, New Zealand) 15 mins til earth hour in nz. turn 'em off, dudes. 28 Mar 2009 from TweetDeck BetsyM (Paris, France) nice! The Eiffel Tower is going dark tomorrow night for Earth Hour: http://tinyurl.com/cpktyn 27 Mar 2009 from web DJGhostUSA (Kearny, N.J., USA) Don't forget to celebrate "Earth Hour" tonight @ 08:30 PM (your time) people. <3 u all! Nite Twitts. 28 Mar 2009 from digsby
World goes dark in support of Earth Hour
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