Per BBC News: The U.S. Defense Department has eradicated the previous ban on news organizations showing photographs of coffins containing military personal killed in combat.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said pictures will be allowed only if the families of the deceased agree. This overturns the 18 year policy that was first implemented by George H. Bush during the first Gulf War, as reported by BBC NEWS.
Because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan nearly 5,000 flag-draped coffins have not been photographed, according to BBC.
Twitter users speak up and share mixed views:
@JenLynch(Westchester, NY): RT @CubanaLAF Pentagon lifts ban on coverage of war coffins: -very personal family matter, should media be there?
@ASGtweets:(Boston) Why would "War Coffins" be hidden from the public eye?, Its reality why hide it?
@Ranba_Ral:(Ohio) #tcot New administration to allow press vultures to hound families of our fallen to photograph their coffins *gag*