Per CNN, the war against drug cartels in Mexico is having a high cost on the civil society who are becoming victims of the crossfire between criminal, militaries and police officers.
Dennis Blair, director of U.S. National Intelligence, spoke to the Federal Congress on Wednesday about the seriousness of the problem of government corruption and drug traffickers and argues that the government of Felipe Calderon had lost control of some parts of Mexico,
per the Los Angeles Times.
In some cities, a state of anarchy and violence is growing, causing a collective hysteria and insecurity for visitors, international students and families, according to CNN.
Twitterers reacted to the news.
@Reptil (Guanatos, Mexico): "En escuelas de Tampico quieren organizar simulacros de balaceras" --> !mexico
("In schools they want to organize Tampico mock shootings" -> !mexico)
@RodrigoMX (Baja, Mexico):
@shaine el fenomeno de la violencia es culpa de Estados Unidos.Mexico no produce armas.
(The phenomenon of violence is the fault of U.S.A, Mexico States is not producing weapons.)
@treo700 (Maricopa, Az.):
@bluestbutterfly No, civil war in Mexico. The drug war is not good. I live close to the border and can tell you its bad.
@ahdiaz (Las Cruces, New Mexico): Mexico is a complete mess. President Calderon is combating narco-terrorism with the civil war era guns the U.S. has provided him.

Mexico on edge of civil war