February 14, 2009

First woman minister appointed to Saudi Cabinet

Per CNN, Saudi King Abdullah has appointed a women to the council of ministers for the first time as part of an overall reshuffle of Cabinet positions.

Abdullah appointed Noor Al-Fayez to the new position of deputy minister for women's education in the council of education. He also announced a new supreme court chief, minister of health, justice minister and information minister.

Readers across Twitter recognized the momentous occasion with joy and with hopes for the continued advancement of women's rights.

@danabrit (Newburgh, Ind.): This is major http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/02/14/saudi.arabia.woman.minister/index.html

@jmthemaker: First woman minister in Saudi Arabia cabinet!!!

@Jacob1207: is pleased that a woman has been appointed to the Saudi Council of Ministers. Now, if only women could drive in the Desert Kingdom...

@happyattorney (Southern Utah): King appoints first woman to council http://tinyurl.com/burpuh. Hope it's progress, not just a new tea server!


Spanish politician removed from Venezuela

Per El Universal in Venezuela, the Spanish government is seeking an explanation from Venezuela after European Parliament member Luis Herrero was expelled from the Latin American country on Friday, apparently for calling President Hugo Chávez "a dictator."

The topic generated discussion on Twitter across the Atlantic Ocean.

@fatimaperibanez (Spain): @LuisCarlos ¿Qué ha pasado por allí con el eurodiputado Luis Herrero? (@LuisCarlos What happened there with the MEP Luis Herrero?)

@LuisCarlos (Caracas, Venezuela): @fatimaperibanez Lo sacaron del país anoche. Sus compañeros declararon esta mañana que el procedimiento fue excesivo. (@fatimaperibanez He was taken out of the country last night. His colleagues said this morning that the procedure was excessive.)

One Venezuelan was quick to point out the amount of attention the story has received.

@jmourad (Venezuela): 355 notas de prensa sobre la expulsión de Luis Herrero eurodiputado español en google news. #15F (355 press releases on the expulsion of Spanish MEP Luis Herrero in google news. # 15F)

A man in Spain posted a blog with reaction to the incident.

@elcarty (Madrid, Spain): Luis Herrero: yo también te habría echado http://tinyurl.com/c9a373 (Luis Herrero: I have missed you http://tinyurl.com/c9a373)


Air strike kills 27 in Pakistan

Per BBC, 27 militants have been killed in a U.S. air strike in northwest Pakistan.

A missile hit a house in South Warzistan, near the Afghan border, according to BBC. Officials said the house was used as a hideout for Taliban militants.

There have been about 20 U.S. air strikes in Pakistan in recent months, per the article. With President Barack Obama and his administration taking power in the United States less than a month before, it had been hoped that the controversial practice might end.

From both the United States and Pakistan, incredulity and anger were displayed in wake of the news.

@jlcs621 (Kansas): US missile strike in Pakistan? Did we just go to war with Pakistan? Hello new security council, what up?

@CoachMarryam (Lahore, Pakistan): umm.. Mr President Obama "Suspected US missile strike kills 27 in Pakistan"

@schwa (Portland): So much for change - US drones still attacking targets within Pakistan's borders.
