"Petronas towers, KL. Take 2" (Posted by @ajclarke on May 11, 2009.)
Featured TwitPic: Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia
tonymc39 (Liverpool, U.K.) I've been shot in West Derby Village - pellets have grazed my cheek - I'm ok I think 09 May 2009 from mobile web tonymc39 (Liverpool, U.K.) i have four shotgun pellets lodged in the side of my head. Two of my friends were also hit. 10 May 2009 from mobile web tonymc39 (Liverpool, U.K.) We were stood drinking just inside the doorway of the Sefton Arms when a gunman on a motorbike opened fire from outside - not aiming at us 10 May 2009 from mobile web tonymc39 (Liverpool, U.K.) I believe two doormen were also hit but not seriously hurt. 10 May 2009 from mobile web
mcknut (Euston, U.K.) Local journalist @tonymc39 gets shot and then tweets the aftermath http://is.gd/yTIy (via @alisongow) 11 May 2009 from Nambu frick (Taipei) @AndersOlofsson Undra just om @tonymc39 kommer att få fler än de nuvarande 17 followsarna... (Just wondering if @tonymc39 will receive more than the current 17 followers.) 11 May 2009 from TweetDeck in reply to AndersOlofsson ryangilchrest (Macon, Ga.) I can only hope I would do the same. RT @askymi RT @paulbradshaw Reporter @tonymc39 tweets being shot: http://bit.ly/K0NwJ 11 May 2009 from web foodiesarah (Manchester, U.K.) @alisongow @tonymc39 good blog post after remarkable tweets - just hope that doesn't become too much a norm for getting a splash! 11 May 2009 from TweetDeck in reply to alisongow
U.K. journalist tweets being shot
LilyMazahery (Washington, D.C./New York) She has left Evin and is now at home in Tehran with her family. RT @freeroxana: Roxana to be FREED! http://tinyurl.com/paoqud 11 May 2009 from twhirl
rhamdu (Undisclosed) RT @W7VOA Roxana Saberi is now free.
3 minutes ago from twhirl 11 May 2009 from web goldlis (San Antonio, Texas) Awesome news! RT @rhamdu RT @W7VOA Roxana Saberi is now free. 3 minutes ago from twhirl 11 May 2009 from web
MomVsWild (USA) @ricksanchezcnn So glad Iran came 2 their senses and freed Roxana Saberi.Now we have 2 other reporters that need freed from North Korea. 11 May 2009 from web nassefi (Fethiye, Turkey) V happy about Roxana Saberi's release, but not relieved enough to visit Iran myself yet. Ironically, Kabul feels a lot safer to me. 11 May 2009 from web waynenorman (Durham, N.C.) is happy for Roxana Saberi and her family, and for what her release might be telling us about diplomacy and reason(ableness) in high places. 11 May 2009 from web TedHaller (Cadillac, Mich.) Glad to hear fellow NU alum Roxana Saberi has been released from Iran. I will feel much better when she finally steps back onto U.S. soil. 11 May 2009 from web emilyhilleren (Chicago, Ill.) In happy news: RT @Suntimes UPDATE: Roxana Saberi has been reunited with her parents outside prison. 11 May 2009 from web podcastmama (Des Moines, Iowa) Relieved and glad that journalist Roxana Saberi is being released by Iran. What a scary time for her. 11 May 2009 from TweetDeck ShawnaOhm (Undisclosed) Roxana Saberi is getting released. I haven't seen so many journalists this excited since Obama won... 11 May 2009 from web
Roxana Saberi freed from Iranian prison
SmithInAfrica Zuma's cabinet: Trevor Manuel leaves finance. Barbara Hogan moved from health despite praise from Aids campaigners. No place for Winnie. 10 May 2009 from web Anish_Sana Zuma's new cabinet doesn't look too bad at all. let's hope they focus on what's the real priority of the country 10 May 2009 from web Mongezi RT @shapshak Zuma names new Cabinet. What does Siphiwe Nyanda know about telcoms? http://tinyurl.com/reazsv 10 May 2009 from mobile web simondingle Impressed with Mr. Zuma's new cabinet choices for the most part. I really hope this works out for South Africa. What changes would you make? 10 May 2009 from TwitterBerry danielborn Not too many complaints about Zuma's new cabinet http://tinyurl.com/timesnewcabinet , but what has become of Mashatile and Winnie? 11 May 2009 from web Tshegs is digesting President Jacob Zuma's new cabinet. It looks rather promising. I really hope they don't disappoint! 11 May 2009 from web
South Africa’s new cabinet hailed
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