April 6, 2009

Somali pirates continue hijackings

Per Aljazeera.net Somali pirates seized at least four vessels in separate attacks in the Indian Ocean. According to Aljazeera.net, a British cargo ship, a French yacht, a Taiwanese ship and a Yemini tug have been hijacked off the coast of Somalia.

The hijacking of these vessels occurred within the last 48 hours. Twitter users had some colorful comments in response to the story.

  1. Dean Montgomery
    kenszo (Sydney) somalian pirates nabbed 5 ships in the last 48 hours, they really do seem to be enjoying themselves over there
  2. Paddy_Bear (Sri Lanka) I've just been to Galle and back to inspect a ship which had been hijacked by Somalian pirates. Now starts report writing...
  3. absolutelyvile (Undisclosed) Personally, I think that Somali pirates jacking all these ships is kind of funny, especially if everyone's safe.
  4. Peter Pritchard
    PeterPritchard (Ottawa, Canada) Somali pirates are fascinating. The rest of the world brought that on themselves...
  5. Lou Tianren
    loutianren (Singapore) Somali pirates capture British cargo ship (again) http://twurl.nl/43j6y7. anybody heard of the new disney movie, "pirates of the somalian"?


National day of protest in Egypt stifled by police

Per Daily News Egypt, a day of protests on the anniversary of last year's historic April 6 riots in Egypt were largely shut down by preemptive police action. Activists called for 'a day of anger' to protest president Hosni Mubarak's regime, which has held the country under martial law since 1981.

Egyptian journalist Sarah Carr blogged
that police told her they had planned ahead not to allow any protests. Egypt's internal State Security dispatched hundreds of officers to critical points to prevent crowds from gathering.

However, blogger Mohammed Hamama reported a large demonstration at Mansoura University, about two hours north of Cairo. According to Hamama, around 2,000 students took to the streets to protest high tuition fees. He uploaded this video of the protest to YouTube:

In total 45 people were arrested around the country, including a journalist.

Many Egyptian activists and journalists use Twitter to spread news and rally people.

  1. alsharq (Berlin) Reminder: General Strike in Egypt planned for tomorrow, Check out some posters here: http://www.gaberism.net/
  2. Amina K.
    Aminatoon Check this video out -- April 6 Freedom FOR EGYPT السادس من ابريل الحرية لمصر http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-mXS6EDrzQ
  3. Tracey B
    No1huggles (Shropshire) tinyurl.com/dlozne police prevent demo in Egypt by pro-democracy activists. Why? What r they going to do? Riot? #radio
  4. bravoserve
    bravoserve (Philadelphia) 6th of April, another tension day in Egypt
  5. davidmfaris
    davidmfaris quick thoughts: 4/6/08 in Egypt succeeded because it was tied to tangible workers' struggle in Mahalla. Thoughts?


A Day in Zürich

Zürich is the largest city in Switzerland, which has four official languages: German, French, Italian and Romanish. Here's some highlights from the Twitterverse on Monday.

  1. lapin
    lapin Just learned Ronaldo's stupid face's now worth 125 Swiss Francs. Tssk.
  2. Stéphanie Arni
    StephanieArni is learning chemistry, biology and is working on her presentation... I hate it!! wanna have vacations..-.-
  3. Marina Strika
    mindispoison I have not a clue what to do in september?!?! no job for me! I am sure!
  4. Maxim
    maximCH tonight is the AC/DC concert that got cancelled a week ago. In 1.5 hours I'll be rockin'
  5. KSchulman
    KSchulman Grilled out, drinking beer, watching baseball. In Switzerland...
  6. alexanderacksel
    iAlex76 drinking red wine and coffee ... yuk. Things are not going well. I am 6h behind my schedule. Will I ever see my family on easter? who knows


Twitter used to relay information following Italy quake

Per France 24, the death toll of the 6.2 magnitude earthquake that hit L’Aquila, Italy, Monday morning, has risen to more than 150 according to hospital sources, and rescue operations have continued into the night. It is 9:30 p.m. local time in Rome as of this post.

Hundreds of Twitter users in Italy and elsewhere closely followed the aftermath of the quake using the hashtag #terremoto (Italian for earthquake).

Italian twitterers have used tweets to provide an array of information, including ways to assist in rescue efforts, how to donate blood, photographs of damage, and stories from the scene.

  1. Alessandro Marconi
    djslump (Rome, Italy) RT @AlohaArleen Plse send a mssge so ppl w. friends/family in Italy know 2 use #italy #terremoto #earthquake 4 updates.Plz RT (via @judyrey)
  2. Bernhardwarner
    Bernhardwarner (Rome, Italy) Images coming in from centro storico L'Aquila, now in rubble. #terremoto. 27 dead. Sadly, more expected. http://tinyurl.com/dmhru4
  3. bevero
    bevero (Rome, Italy) Terremoto in Abruzzo, la mappa delle vittime e dei danni http://ow.ly/2agD #italy #terremoto #earthquake #abruzzo
  4. Andrea
    womarketing (Rome, Italy) RT@Maiko76: #terremoto c'è bisogno di donazioni di sangue, qui a Pescara la FIDAS è aperta, vicino al pronto soccorso. 085 4222460
  5. LucaServo
    neoluk (Rome, Italy) More photos of the effects of the #earthquake at http://tinyurl.com/cwans8
  6. Simone Economo
    eKoeS (Rome, Italy) Six students found alive under the rubble of "La casa dello studente" University in L'Aquila. Finally some good news. #earthquake
  7. sampietrino
    sampietrino (Prati, Italy) #terremoto Coperte, vestiti, pannolini, latte in polvere, acqua. Portateli @ "Fare ambiente", Roma, in Via Nazionale, 243, tel. 06 48029924


Featured TwitPic: Earthquake In Italy

"#earthquake" (Posted by @Buonaiuto in L'Aqulila, Italy)
