It did not take long for twitterers in Germany to post TwitPics of the scene.
@whereistheguru (Cologne, Germany): - So siehts aus das ex stadtarchiv von köln ( So looks like the ex Stadtarchiv of cologne)
@rheinformat (Cologne, Germany): In Köln ist Chaos #einsturz (In Cologne is Chaos #einsturz
Here are some other German tweets about the incident this afternoon:
@tomibam (Cologne, Germany): wasn't at home when the building of the Cologne Stadtarchiv collapsed. Luckily... as it was only 50m away. We are evacuated now.
@cu_0xff: JA: Ich war heute in Köln NEIN: Ich habe nicht das Stadtarchiv umgeworfen.... (YES: I was in Cologne today, NO: I do not have the Stadtarchiv overturned.)
@freeskier1978 (Hessen, Germany): Lt. ksta bis zu 30 Tote möglich. Massiver Wassereinbruch in U-Bahnbaustelle. #köln #cologne (Lt.. ksta up to 30 possible deaths. Massive flooding in subway construction site. # # cologne cologne)
A Twitterer following in the United States linked to a German article with additional pictures.
@knitnrun (Iowa): #Cologne #köln bldg collapse pix at 30 people feared trapped inside collapsed historical archive bldg #stadtarchiv