Per El Pais, Cuban President Raul Castro has thrown out two political "heavyweights" in a wide-ranging cabinet re-shuffle. The
BBC Español website offers analysis and comment about the changes. Both sites are in Spanish.
In Cuba itself, there are a restrictions on internet access, and so it's not always easy to identify legitimate Twitter users. However, other people have been tweeting their reaction to the changes in Cuba's political landscape:
@bloggerscuba (La Habana, Cuba) GOBIERNO: Ascensos y caídas en el aparato estatal: El gobierno de Cuba realizó hoy uno de los mayores cambios en.. (GOVERNMENT: rise and fall in the State: The Cuban government today made a major change in...)@bloggerscuba Also has other tweets with commentary and thoughts on the new cabinet line-up.
@bloggingsbyboz (Arlington, USA) Media claim the Cuba cabinet change is a power grab by Raul. Obviously.
@KanyMa Cuba with 8 new ministers. Change in sight?
@thebodybreaks How Will Cuba Shake Up Play in U.S.?: Raul Castro's leadership shake-up raises question about successor, Cuba-US.. although "Raul Castro" has his own twitter account, it seems unlikely he's using it, but take a look and decide for yourself!
@raulcastro (Havana, Cuba)

Castro's Cuba cabinet changes