March 23, 2009

Featured TwitPic: Restaurant afloat in Orlando

"Little cloudy today at Disney. One of my favorite restaurants at DD called Fulton's Crab House. It's on a boat!" (Posted by @wdwfan, Orlando, Fla., March 23, 2009)


Twittering athletes on the rise

Per the Arizona Republic, more athletes are twittering, including LPGA star Natalie Gulbis and Phoenix Suns guard Steve Nash.

Though Shaquille O'Neal has been on Twitter for some time, he recently posted his first in-game tweet.

The Suns All-Star center admitted to the tweet, poking fun at an incident in which another NBA player got in trouble with his coach for twittering at halftime.

@THE_REAL_SHAQ (Phoenix, AZ): Shhhhhhh

Shaq isn't the only well-known athlete twittering, as Lance Armstrong was providing updates on his injury Monday:

@lancearmstrong (Spain): I'm alive! Broken clavicle (right). Hurts like hell for now. Surgery in a couple of days. Thanks for all the well wishes.

Newly retired baseball pitcher Curt Schilling and NASCAR driver Ryan Newman are also posting regular Tweets.

Are these athletes blazing a new trail for more Twit-Jocks to follow? If so, is this a good trend? Here are a few Tweets on the subject:

@BrentWalkerJr (Cleveland, OH): Dang Shaq!! Word bout you twittering at halftime leaked to the media...its on ESPN.Com! Can't a man tweet in peace? haha

@SRegular (Louisville, KY): Is there really anything wrong with twittering if you are an NBA star like Shaq even if it's during a game at halftime?

@ronniefauss Had a dream last night where shaq and i were on a road trip, to mexico in a chevy nova, twittering the whole way!

@MamaCharlo Why didn't Shaq get in trouble for Twittering?

@BazzBrinca twittering while at werk is not as cool as shaq twittering at halftime during his dats mad funny


Volcano erupts in Alaska

Per the Anchorage Daily News, Mount Redoubt, a volcano in Alaska under intense surveillance in recent days, has erupted five times in recent hours.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory (@alaska_avo) and @OmegaMom provided the first tweets on the initial eruption.

  1. Alaska AVO
    alaska_avo An eruption of Mt. Redoubt began at approximately 22:38 AKDT, March 22, 2009 (0638 UTC). AVO is... Read more at
  2. OmegaMom
    OmegaMom Whoa! Redoubt Volcano is erupting! Code RED!

Here's some of the initial reaction from Twitterers in Alaska:

  1. (Mob) Pakorn S.
    pokemaniac @alaska_avo hey. The light went out. R there anything to do with volcano? Could tell us please?
  2. alaskajewelz
    alaskajewelz Also, the volcano erupted. My birthday will go down in books as the day the earth asplodeded.
  3. Sydney Roth
    SydneyRR Wow, another snow storm and to top it off, a volcano explodes. Just another day in Alaska!
  4. kylecressman
    kylecressman is on the ferry to Haines...dont worry I am not near the volcano


80 whales and dolphins stranded on Australian Coast

Per The West Australian, 80 long finned pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins were stranded early Monday on a southwest Australian beach. Close to 100 volunteers have been on hand to help the 17 survivors, all pilot whales. They will be moved by truck at daybreak on Tuesday to a nearby beach where they will be helped out to sea. 

Some Twitterers were sad to hear the news:

@LexyBrooks (Sydney, Australia): What's with all the whale strandings? RT @G_Magazine. Another 80 whales have stranded in WA.

@lyssrobinson (Sydney, Australia): I feel sorry for the 80 whales stranded on the WA coast!! Hope some of them can be rescued. :-(

@chalkface39 (Pompey, UK): RT @BBC_Earth: CBBCL Race to save stranded whales GOOD LUCK!

Others decided they wanted to see it for themselves:

@vegascats (Brisbane, Australia): going to see the stranded whales tomorrow.

@matripley (Location not listed): I was just speaking to my Sis in Oz (WA). She just came back from seeing 60 stranded whales dying on a beach. It sounded insane. 


Tibetan monks arrested in China

Per the Times of India, Chinese government arrested nearly 100 Tibetan monks for rioting and allegedly attacking a police station. Government sources said the monks from the Ragya Monastery assaulted police officers and government staff.

Twitterers who commented on the story mostly saw irony in the violence among the Tibetan monks.

battleajah: I'm always horrifyingly amused for each time I read about Tibetan monks getting violent:

reqa930: Wait...I thought Tibetan monks are supposed to be nonviolent and peaceful...why are they being arrested for attacking cops??

LindaDeLuca (Huntsville, Alabama): RT "@teedubya: You KNOW the world is getting crazy when:: 93 Tibetan monks are arrested for attacking a police station.
