"Was für eine Show! Wow" "What a show! Wow" (Posted by @2b_on, Frankfurt, Germany, March 27, 2009)
Featured TwitPic: Concert in Frankfurt
jubakun (Brazil) A declaração do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva de que a crise foi causada por "gente branca de olhos azuis" foi destaque na imprensa. (The statement of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva that the crisis was caused by "blue-eyed white people" were highlighted in the press.) 27 Mar 2009 from Power Twitter price_givens (Location undisclosed) This can't be good for me. Brasil president blames global crisis on white people with blue eyes. http://bit.ly/xRd9 27 Mar 2009 from TweetDeck tsvnq (Sydney, Australia) "White people with blue eyes caused global financial crisis: Brazil President" in SMH http://bit.ly/1K3Mzj Comment: Greedy Bastards! 27 Mar 2009 awitz (Minneapolis, Minn.) Watching CNN...Did I really just hear Brazil's pres blame the global economy crisis and "White people. Blue-eyed people." Is it the 1930's? 27 Mar 2009 kokupuff (Location undisclosed) Brazil's president is SNAPPING!! Global economic crisis is the fault of "white people with blue eyes" -> http://bit.ly/2ZfEY 27 Mar 2009 from Power Twitter
Brazil president blames 'white people' for global crisis
digoreisnet caralho, deu uma explosão foda agora #diadema #incendio ([expletive], [expletive] explosion now has happened #diadema #fire) 27 Mar 2009 from TweetDeck
larabrighenti #incendio O incendio está nas proximidades do Extra Anchieta - uma amiga q acabou de chegar,nos contou que a nuvem de fumaça é assustadora! (#fire The fire is near the Extra Anchieta - a friend has just arrived, told us that the cloud of smoke is scary!) 27 Mar 2009 from web sabino que horas começou o incêndio em #diadema? qdo sai de casa eu ñ tinha visto nada =| (what time the fire started in #diadema? qdo ñ leaves the house I had seen nothing = |) 27 Mar 2009 from TwitterFox Teeeetchy #Diadema - Incêndio: Alguém sabe o nome da indústria química? (#Diadema - Fire: What the name of the chemical industry?) 27 Mar 2009 from web tiosamnews #Diadema : Antigamente era só industria. Casas foram sendo construidas ao redor e virou um bairro mixto. (#Diadema: Previously it was just industry. Houses were built around and turned into a mixed neighborhood.) 27 Mar 2009 from web lucasleite Ta forte esse #incendio em #diadema hein (It's strong this #fire in #diadema huh) 27 Mar 2009 from TwitterFox
São Paolo fire documented on Twitter
ChuckGrassley (Iowa) Listning Prez on FOX anounce his Afhgan stategy Now it bcomes Obama War Not Bush war any longer 27 Mar 2009 from txt FrankCanzolino (Elmhurst, Ill.) #tcot Obviously, Bush has won Iraq, allowing for troop reinforcements in Afghanistan, which we should begin calling Obama's war 27 Mar 2009 from TweetDeck Kadiyah (Poughkeepsie, N.Y.) Obama just announced that more troops and more money will be invested in the war in Afghanistan. What about our ECONOMY? 27 Mar 2009 from web kbestor (Salt Lake City, Utah) Obama just presented plan for Afghanistan. Finally US using world community and diplomacy instead of only weapons. Women rights pushed .A+ 27 Mar 2009 from Twittelator mrush909 (Location undisclosed) Is wondering why there is not the same outcry about extra troups going into Afghanistan as there was with Itaq. 27 Mar 2009 from TwitterBerry thisisnomad (Location undisclosed) Im watching the news. They are calling Afghanistan, Obama's war. WTF? They are tryn to dump all of Bush's mess on Obama. Rewrite History. 27 Mar 2009 from PockeTwit KingRobertIV (Louisiana) He's not commiting nearly enough troops; Thinks he can police pakistan and afghanistan 27 Mar 2009 from web
Obama Adminstration adopts new Afghanistan strategy
schwefl (Munich, Germany) no more runs for the olympic torch over the world, that might be the first good decision the ioc made since years. 27 Mar 2009 from TwitterFox norock (Milton Keynes, England) Olympic Committee decide to stop doing torch relays after the China protests. Rather than being more careful who gets chosen to host. 27 Mar 2009 from EventBox TravisDST (Hawaii, USA) Apparently the International Olympic Committee is banning torch relays because of the incidents in last year's. http://ow.ly/1wvI 27 Mar 2009 from web stratosathens (Athens, Greece) No more international torch relay during the Olympic Games. It started with Athens and it ended with Beijing. #sportacccord 27 Mar 2009 from web vanrose (Oamaru, New Zealand) Completely forgot that I told everyone I was going to take up a sport and compete in the London Olympic Games. Really must get onto that. 27 Mar 2009 from web
Olympic torch relay scrapped
May 7
Featured TwitPic: Street peddler in Indonesia
U.S. banks stress test finds vulnerability
Fire displaces 8,000 in California
Obama meets with Afghan, Pakistan leaders
May 6
Supreme Court protests in Brazil
Library fire drill in Egypt
Russia responds to NATO act
Pregnant woman escapes death penalty
May 5
Featured TwitPics: Heavy rains in Brazil
Berlusconi feud with wife continues
Pakistan asks Swat citizens to flee
Tweets for a Cause reaches world
Georgia claims attempted coup
U.S. officials predict recession end in 2009
May 4
Featured TwitPic: West Coast of Ireland
Swine flu shows signs of slowdown
Nepal Prime Minister Prachanda resigns
Twitter buzzing about Star Wars Day
May 3
Hand of Harmony in South Korea
'Crazy' Martinelli elected president of Panama
Economic woes plague Zimbabwe
IOC leaves Rio impressed by 2016 Olympic bid
May 2
Rio de Janeiro impresses IOC
Featured TwitPic: Stormy day in Texas
Violence escalates in Karachi, Pakistan
Edinburgh helicopters cause a stir on Twitter
May Day protests spark violence in Europe
May 1
Small earthquake shakes Los Angeles area
Sunset at Magnetic Island in Australia
China takes precautions for swine flu
U.N. criticizes Egypt's pig slaughter
Delara Darabi executed in Iran