Per MSNBC's First Read the Obama administration appears to be minimizing the military aspect of the war. Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Domenico Montanaro raise the point that, "...this is a dramatic shift away from the philosophy some in the Bush administration pushed -- which was democracy for Afghanistan."
Public reaction on Twitter was mixed. Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) was the only major elected official to tweet a response.
ChuckGrassley (Iowa) Listning Prez on FOX anounce his Afhgan stategy Now it bcomes Obama War Not Bush war any longer FrankCanzolino (Elmhurst, Ill.) #tcot Obviously, Bush has won Iraq, allowing for troop reinforcements in Afghanistan, which we should begin calling Obama's war Kadiyah (Poughkeepsie, N.Y.) Obama just announced that more troops and more money will be invested in the war in Afghanistan. What about our ECONOMY? kbestor (Salt Lake City, Utah) Obama just presented plan for Afghanistan. Finally US using world community and diplomacy instead of only weapons. Women rights pushed .A+ mrush909 (Location undisclosed) Is wondering why there is not the same outcry about extra troups going into Afghanistan as there was with Itaq. thisisnomad (Location undisclosed) Im watching the news. They are calling Afghanistan, Obama's war. WTF? They are tryn to dump all of Bush's mess on Obama. Rewrite History. KingRobertIV (Louisiana) He's not commiting nearly enough troops; Thinks he can police pakistan and afghanistan