March 3, 2009

German archives building collapses

Per the Associated Press, "A building housing Cologne city archives shook and then collapsed into a pile of rubble Tuesday. Many people inside were able to flee to safety, but two construction workers were reported missing."

It did not take long for twitterers in Germany to post TwitPics of the scene.

@whereistheguru (Cologne, Germany): - So siehts aus das ex stadtarchiv von köln ( So looks like the ex Stadtarchiv of cologne)

@rheinformat (Cologne, Germany): In Köln ist Chaos #einsturz (In Cologne is Chaos #einsturz

Here are some other German tweets about the incident this afternoon:

@tomibam (Cologne, Germany): wasn't at home when the building of the Cologne Stadtarchiv collapsed. Luckily... as it was only 50m away. We are evacuated now.

@cu_0xff: JA: Ich war heute in Köln NEIN: Ich habe nicht das Stadtarchiv umgeworfen.... (YES: I was in Cologne today, NO: I do not have the Stadtarchiv overturned.)

@freeskier1978 (Hessen, Germany): Lt. ksta bis zu 30 Tote möglich. Massiver Wassereinbruch in U-Bahnbaustelle. #köln #cologne (Lt.. ksta up to 30 possible deaths. Massive flooding in subway construction site. # # cologne cologne)

A Twitterer following in the United States linked to a German article with additional pictures.

@knitnrun (Iowa): #Cologne #köln bldg collapse pix at 30 people feared trapped inside collapsed historical archive bldg #stadtarchiv

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