The speech has been viewed over 1.4 million times in four days and can be viewed on YouTube with a full transcript available here.
The Twitterverse greeted the speech positively.
steve2425 (U.K.) Watched BBC Parliament on "Gordon save the world Brown" EU speech yawn,yawn, Nigel and Daniel Hannan's speeches best bits! #UKIP iamthemuse (Location undisclosed) Feeling proud of Daniel Hannan !!! doreenseaton (U.K.) MEP Daniel Hannan delivers knockout blow to Gordon Brown at EU. Gordon, please say "Sorry" before you leave No.10. Damsgaard (Location undisclosed) Daniel Hannan MEP; new Party Chairman? harrytheboat (Leicestershire-on-Sea, U.K.) There is a god, and his name is Daniel Hannan, good show old boy! highlanderfae (Texas, USA) Wishing we had someone like Daniel Hannan (Brit politician for those of you who don't know) in Congress.