In Bethlehem the Pope called for a "just and lasting" peace in the region and encouraged the citizens of Palestine to denounce acts of violence and terrorism.
Twitter users in the region speak about the Pope's visit:
Pnina (Jerusalem) G'morning from Jerusalem, where the Pope is currently a 5 min walk from my house. Think he'd like to try a hafooch? fatherjonathan (Rome, Italy) Doing radio tour today on Pope's visit to Jordan and Israel. One host expressed shock the Pope would call for a two-state solution. What?!
Some citizens are inconvenienced by the Pope:
ASoldiersMother (Jerusalem, Israel) Tell that to the pope! Wanted to get across town yesterday...but driving there wasn't an option :-) At least 2day is better. jerrib247 (Jerusalem, Israel) The Pope being in Jerusalem is a traffic nightmare! Whole sections of the city are closed down. What a pain.