Per KHNL in Hawaii, an earthquake with a 5.1 magnitude shook the island of Hawaii, Hawaii, today at 12:44 p.m. local time.
Here were some tweets from the affected area in chronological order, beginning with the first to break the news of the quake to Twitter:
allentenn (Hilo, Hawaii) big time earthquake!!!!!! 14 Apr 2009 from TweetDeck -
dcb97 (Hilo, Hawaii) Whoa just felt an earthquake in Hilo. Small kine but it rocked and rolled a bit. 14 Apr 2009 from web -
808blogger (Puna, Hawaii) whoa.... we just had a good sized quake 14 Apr 2009 from web -
bknykanaka (Hilo, Hawaii) MY FIRST EARTHQUAKE! 14 Apr 2009 from web -
castleinhawaii (Pahao, Hawaii) HUGE earthquake in Pahao 14 Apr 2009 from web

Hawaii experiences moderate earthquake