Per Rolling Stone, Sir Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr will both be performing at David Lynch's benefit for transcendental meditation, "Change Begins Within" at New York's Radio City Music Hall on April 4th.
Fans of the Beatles are atwitter.
@docinaustin (Austin, Texas): Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr gather together, we still call them The Beatles?
@tarranti (London, England): So iif Sir Paul & Ringo do this charity gig in New York, what's the betting McDonalds bring out the McStarr, fried drumsticks with wings
@davemazur (New York, NY):
@Pollstar: Beatles reunion may be impossible but Paul on bass + Ringo on drums + Pete Townsend on guitar + Daltrey singing = The Who-tles
In other Beatles news this week, a university in Liverpool is now offering a Master of Arts degree in The Beatles, according to
BBC News.
Some twitterers showed excitement, while others questioned the practicality of having a degree in The Beatles.
@shereenmarisol (Los Angeles, Calif.): RT@ weirdnews School offers master's in The Beatles SIGN ME UP!!!
@CLaubenstein (Hanover, Mass.): You can get a degree in The Beatles? Gotta love Europe : )
@lizreay: ...and precisely what job does a MA in The Beatles prepare you for?
@95sxbrown2gg (Charleston, S.C.): The Beatles. I thought you become a member of a fan club for your favorite bands not take college credits for a degree.
@95sxbrown2gg (Charleston, S.C.):
@saltyfam I guess you could get that job. Is there a Beatles Museum? You could right a book about them should be an elective not a degree.

Former Beatles to reunite for benefit