According to the article, archbishop Father Jose Cardoso Sobrinhoalso, terminated the medical team and the girl's mother for assisting in the abortion.
Many Twitterers criticized the church's decision.
@loiane (Vitória - ES): Se eu fosse da igreja desse arcebispo eu parava de frequentar! Na minha igreja aborto tb é pecado, mas nesse caso entenderam, ainda bem! (If I were archbishop of the church that I stopped attending! In my church tb abortion is sin, but in this case understood, good!)
@matt02 (São Paulo): Igreja Católica excomungou os médicos do aborto e a mãe da garota, mas o padrasto NÃO. Acho ótimo. (Catholic Church the curse of abortion doctors and the mother of the girl, but NOT the stepfather. I feel great.)
@FellowDFBR (Brasilia): como a Igreja Católica é hipócrita, excomungar os médicos por terem feito o aborto de uma criança de 9 anos, vítima de abuso do padrasto... (as the Catholic Church is hypocritical, defrock the doctors for making abortion a child of 9 years, father of the victim of abuse ...)
@MeEloise: Catholic Church in Brazil excommunicated all involved with making sure a 9-year old rape victim got a legal abortion. But not the rapist.
But not all seemed opposed to punishing those involved in the abortion.
@bastos_mario (Brazil): Uma criança de 9 anos fazer aborto é um absurdo. Mais absurdo e igreja excomungar fiéis que ajudaram a garota nessa situação. (A child of 9 years to abortion is absurd. More absurd and defrock church believers who helped the girl in this situation.)