April 2, 2009

Former Illinois Governor indicted

Per The New York Times, former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich was indicted today on 16 different federal counts. The various indictments include wire fraud and conspiracy to commit racketeering, according to the article.

Initial tweets showed that people were not surprised by the verdict. Some even greeted the news positively.

  1. LooseeBoyo
    lilpup (Chicago area, Ill.) Would love to be called as juror for Blagojevich case just to watch his animation up close. Go get 'em Fitz!
  2. Nina Bauer
    jmarie1074 (Chicago, Ill.) Blagojevich indicted. Golly, didn't see that coming.
  3. Eden Richey Irgens
    EdenIrgens (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho)Thrilled about Blagojevich's felony charges.
  4. Carrie Moten
    AZCarrieAnn32 (Phoenix, Ariz.) Thinks its funny that Blago was partyin' at DisneyWorld while he got slapped with 16 indictments...

  5. TheShaun316
    TheShaun316 (Chicago, Ill.) Blagojevich was indicted today in today's most "No [Expletive] Sherlock" moment!

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