April 2, 2009

Obama takes questions at G20 Summit

The Twitterverse followed closely as U.S. President Barack Obama answered questions from the international press Thursday at the G20 London Summit.

Here were some tweets with reaction as the conference took place:

  1. Alex Evans
    alexevansuk (London, U.K.) obama takes stage at #g20 press conf: some journos started to clap. couldn't help themselves :-)
  2. mathieuvonrohr
    mathieuvonrohr (Hamburg, Germany) #G20 press conference: Obama is sneezing. He is human!
  3. Tim F
    preperat (Melbourne, Australia) I aint an american .. nor do I live there .. but [expletive] I'm glad you guys have someone like Obama in charge now !! #g20
  4. Linda Quinn
    lcquinn (Skokie, Ill.) Obama speach is halting and filled with platitudes. Why do people think he is wonderful. He embarasses me as an American. #G20
  5. tvnewswatch
    tvnewswatch (London, U.K.) not everything was solved, Obama says and welcomes another meeting in late 2009 #G20
  6. Dan Roberts
    RobertsDan (London, U.K.) #G20 #Obama. "I think we did OK. I came here to listen". He sounds like he made a few concessions.
  7. Oscar Henriquez
    xtranger (London, U.K.) Obama keeps thanking 'Brown and his team' ... is this him spreading his so-called 'stardust'? #G20

At least one twitterer was actually at the press conference and provided a live look into the feel of the event and what Obama was saying.

  1. Cheryl Contee
    ch3ryl #G20voice obama press conf is 110% packed at #G20. way more security and govt peeps than Gordon Brown, yo. Obama = rollin' VIP
  2. Cheryl Contee
    ch3ryl #G20 #G20voice Obama press conf -- the air is thick in the 800 person briefing room with anticipation. Obama = global rock star!!!
  3. Cheryl Contee
    ch3ryl #G20 #G20voice Obama press conf: the whole world has been touched by this unprecedented financial crisis
  4. Cheryl Contee
    ch3ryl #G20 #G20voice Obama press conf: to prevent future crises we've created new transparency.

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