Per the International Herald Tribune, Latvia Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis has resigned and the Eastern European nation's government has collapsed, as a result of "growing economic and political turmoil."
One man currently in Latvia tweeted via iPhone that he learned the news through Twitter.
@toddprouty (Glazuskunis, Latvia): Just found out through Twitter that the government of Latvia, the country I'm currently living in, collapsed today. twitterer in Latvia predicted what the new government may look like.
@pecisk (Ogre, Latvia): Tauta nomierinās, Zalāns nebūs. Visticamāk būs bezpartejisks.
(The people are calm, Zalans [political party] not. Likely to be free party.)Others were quick to tweet their thoughts.
@jujupiter (London, U.K.): Iceland, Latvia... Which government will fall next?
@EnriqueLopez (New York City): Latvia's government has fallen! What a terrible precedent.
One American twitterer suggested it was a sign of things to come.
@TreyNantz (Charleston/Lincolnton, W.V.): First Iceland. Now Latvia. Next, Ireland & Ukraine. Soon, USA & EU? #stimulus #tcot

Latvian government collapses