Per The Associated Press, Spain’s Judge Baltasar Garzon, was admitted to the coronary unit of a hospital near his office in central Madrid after a spike in his blood pressure following an anxiety attack.
Garzon is best known for having issued an arrest warrant for former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet for human rights violations in 1998 and has recently taken part in an investigation of alleged corruption within the country’s main opposition Popular Party, according to the article.
Twitter users commented:
@carlossaiz (Around Madrid): garzon en el hospital? Puede que exista una justicia más allá que la de los hombres? (Garzon in the hospital? Could there be a higher justice than that of man?)
@nubeblog (Spain): Crisis de ansiedad de Garzon. Leer los diferentes medios es divertidisimo. (Garzon's anxiety attack. Reading the different media is really fun)
@paulo_saavedra (Santiago, Chile): Juez Baltazar Garzon internado de urgencia en Madrid, via @cooperativa!! (Judge Baltazar Garzon urgently admitted [to the hospital] in Madrid, via @cooperativa.)

Famed Spanish judge hospitalized