@deancsmith, a local televisionographer, sent Breaking Tweets this TwitPic of the destroyed RV after the crash:

The San Mateo County Fire Dispatch provided the first tweet on the accident.
FireDispatchSMC Traffic accident - train, BROADWAY/CALIFORNIA DR ,BRM (04/24/09 19:38:21)
One Twitterer was on board another Bay Area train service, Caltrain, and tweeted about unusual delays. He soon learned the reason and provided a feel for being on the tracks.
DeusXMachina Awesome. Random train delays and cryptic explanations over the PA system. DeusXMachina Spoke too soon. Apparently my train is delayed because the train up the tracks hit a truck. No idea how long I'll be here. DeusXMachina Ooh, ooh! Let's all look out the window as our train crawls past the tragedy. My species makes me ill.
Twitterers in the area, including journalists, provided additional information.
sebastiankunz UPDATE: Train hits motorhome in Burlingame at Broadway Ave Crossg. intersection as well as Caltrain service will be significantly delayed Zhanna Freight train collided with an RV stuck on the tracks at Burlingame's Broadway station. No one hurt, thankfully. http://twitpic.com/3y1iq bradbelstock Wait until you see this train accident in Burlingame. No one got hurt, but the pictures make you think differently.