Per Reuters, Pakistan acknowledges that the Mumbai attacks spawned from terrorist groups residing in its country. Pakistan may answer India's request to send an investigation team to the nation to share information about the attacks.
More evidence remains that tensions between the neighboring countries are fading after the attacks, according to the article.
India-Pakistan relations have been a hot topic of debate on Twitter.
@thefiltercoffee (Los Angeles, Calif.): Laura Rozen needs to share whatever it is she's been smoking. India supporting Taliban against Pakistan? news services have frequently tweeted about the latest developments.
@INDIATAB (India): India Says It Didn’t Ponder Pakistan War Over Mumbai Attacks - Bloomberg: ABC NewsIndia Says It Didn’t Ponder Pa.. twitterers wonder what President Barack Obama will do in regards to the situation.
@charlesdickey (Austin, Texas): trying to decide if worrying about Pakistan, India and that region is worth the time and if obama should even get involved with this mess

Pakistan may send probe team to India