Per BBC, from Monday Feb. 16th, anyone in the UK taking a photograph of a police officer could be charged with a criminal offense.
Section 76 of the British Counter Terrorism Act allows legal action to be taken against photographers if they are found "eliciting, publishing or communicating information" of public service officials, including military and police officers. The law warns the images are "likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism" the BBC reported on Monday.
A massive photo shoot was held to protest the new legislation in London's Scotland Yard as Twitter members speak out.
@pokomon (West London, U.K.):
good turn out at Scotland Yard. had to chuckle at the difficulty of getting lots of photographers to pose for a photo...
@sjkennedy (London, U.K.): photo of photographer protest outside New Scotland Yard, taken around 11:30am from my mobile phone....
@Dick_Puddlecote: Just back from the NUJ New Scotland Yard photo shoot. 400 against Labour authoritarianism. Perfect.

Photographers respond to British Terrorism Law