Per The Telegraph, Chilean president Michelle Bachelet visited Fidel Castro in Cuba on Tuesday, and found him in good health condition, refuting rumors of complications after an intestinal surgery.
Latin American tweets helped tell the story.
@edouardose (Brazil): Raúl Castro confesó que Fidel recibió a Cristina y a Bachelet porque son mujeres (raul castro confessed that Fidel received Bachelet and Cristina because they are women)
@Chuqui (Santiago, Chile): Bachelet fue trotando, sí, TROTANDO a ver a Fidel Castro tal como los peregrinos van a la Meca. Verguenza ajena.
(Bachelet was jogging, yes, jogging to see Fidel Castro as the pilgrims going to Mecca. Embarrassment of others)
@DMonKaZ (Lima, Peru): Fidel Castro con una casaca Adidas (wearing a adidas suit)

Michelle Bachelet meets Fidel Castro