Per The International Herald Tribune, a man was shot and killed as he drove home on Wednesday night, the first fatality in a month-long strike of Guadeloupe and Martinique workers in the French Caribbean, demanding better housing, water, gasoline and water bills.
One man in the area noted that the strike has been compounded by a worsening economy.
@AkaSeltzer (Desirade, Guadeloupe): La crise économique en Guadeloupe repérée: avalanche de spam pour crédit à la conso.
(The economic crisis in Guadeloupe identified: avalanche of spam to consolidate credit.)For some, the ongoing strike has been personal.
@JolieMelodie: Elodie is worried about her family in Martinique :((. twitterers in Europe reacted to the news.
@vivienfrance (Champagne-Ardennes, France): thinks the strikes in Guadaloupe are a ticking time bomb.
@JulienFrisch (Europe): Riots in the European Union: Guadeloupe on the edge of a revolt after one month strike: journalists noted the news as well, including
@JByers11 of the Toronto Star.
@JByers11 (Toronto, Canada): As if economy wasn't enough, AP reports tourists now staying away from Martinique and Guadeloupe due to violent strikes and garbage buildup

Man killed in French Caribbean riot