One man in the area noted that the strike has been compounded by a worsening economy.
@AkaSeltzer (Desirade, Guadeloupe): La crise économique en Guadeloupe repérée: avalanche de spam pour crédit à la conso. (The economic crisis in Guadeloupe identified: avalanche of spam to consolidate credit.)
For some, the ongoing strike has been personal.
@JolieMelodie: Elodie is worried about her family in Martinique :((.
Some twitterers in Europe reacted to the news.
@vivienfrance (Champagne-Ardennes, France): thinks the strikes in Guadaloupe are a ticking time bomb.
@JulienFrisch (Europe): Riots in the European Union: Guadeloupe on the edge of a revolt after one month strike:
Several journalists noted the news as well, including @JByers11 of the Toronto Star.
@JByers11 (Toronto, Canada): As if economy wasn't enough, AP reports tourists now staying away from Martinique and Guadeloupe due to violent strikes and garbage buildup