Per the El Paso Times, leftist candidate Mauricio Funes won El Salvador's presidential election on Sunday, effectively ending two decades of conservative rule in the nation and bringing the FMLN - a party of former guerrillas - to power.
Breaking Tweets found that most twitterers who commented on the election celebrated its results.
@ciskosv (Santa Ana, El Salvador): Well, the Salvadoran people speak! Really truly a civic celebration, so forward El Salvador!
@kingconejo (San Salvador, El Salvador): THE FMLN ACTUALLY WON THE ELECTION! Wish I was partying in Suchitoto instead of alone here.
@AdrianaLemus (San Salvador, El Salvador): El Salvador has a new president. The people have spoken. There was a change for democracy at last :D
@sagotmontse (Costa Rica): Ver ganar al FMLN en El Salvador es como sentir que finalmente la guerra se resolvió y que se hizo justicia #elecciones2009
(View FMLN win in El Salvador is like to feel that the war was finally resolved and that justice was done #elecciones2009)
@cafe_con_leche (Los Angeles): FMLN's expected win today has been LONG awaited!!!
One Twitter user in El Salvador provided election-related tweets throughout the day.
@Alexanndra (El Salvador): # - Hace media hora ejercí mis derechos... y me dejaron neeegro el dedo xD
( - About half an hour exercising my rights ... and left me black finger xD)@Alexanndra: #eleccion2009 Sigue tráfico paralizado en Soyapango. Hace 2 horas hay embotellamiento en el sector de Unicentro y Plaza España
(#eleccion2009 still paralyzed traffic in Soyapango. 2 hours ago there are bottlenecks in the sector and Unicentro Plaza España)@Alexanndra: #eleccion2009, nuestro amigo el Garrobo reportando en su blog, desde San Miguel: (Un poco jocosa la nota)
(#eleccion2009, our friend Garrobo reporting on his blog, from San Miguel: (A little note in jest))

FMLN wins election in El Salvador