The upgrade puts customization at the forefront of the popular online magazine rack site, allowing users to pick and choose the feeds they're most interested in, rather than bookmark individual pages or search for them on the site.
"MyAlltop enables people to create custom racks of just their favorite websites and blogs," said Guy Kawasaki, Twitter power-user (@guykawasaki) with more than 86,000 followers and co-founder of
In addition to creating their own MyAlltop page, users can browse through a selection of MyAlltops already created by celebrities.
Kawasaki has been quietly promoting the site to some twitterers, such as this tweet nine days ago:

Now that the new attraction has gone live, it will likely spread quickly amidst the entire Twitterverse.
Breaking Tweets editors met with Kawasaki last month in Chicago (TwitPic). Breaking Tweets also has an Alltop page, which can be found here.