Hundreds of twitterers followed the launch of the NASA space shuttle Discovery this evening from Kennedy Space Center in Florida live on Twitter, using hashtags like #live, #shuttle, #nasa, #discovery, and #space.
An influx of TwitPics of the launch, from backyards to beaches in southern and central Florida, appeared to crash momentarily, but the site is now back up and running.
@jefferygilbert (Orlando, Fla.): Just watched shuttle launch from Orlando. Awesome!
@LisaH (Sarasota, Fla.): - OMFG! MY BACKYARD!!!!!!!
@Tim846 (Sarasota, Fla.): the view of STS119 from Sarasota!
@heathscott (Ocala, Fla.): One of the benefits of living in Florida. SPACE ROCKETS!!!
@imajeanyus (Tampa, Fla.): - This is how clear I can see the shuttle launch. Awesome!!!
Links to live streaming video of the shuttle launch also made there way around Twitter, such as this one, which was retweeted several times:
@motionblur (Canada): Watch the Space Shuttle launch live right now: #nasa
The stream produced this image as a result of the sunlight:

Twitter follows NASA shuttle launch