Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. The nation has experienced a number of military coups in its history, both failed and successful, but the reasons behind Wednesday's incident were not immediately clear, according to Reuters. However, AFP is reporting it is not a coup.
Some Bangladeshi tweets on the news have used the hashtag #bdr. The first to note the incident was @niloyphoto.

@TheTravInAzn has been posting pictures from near the scene.

@TheTravInAzn (Dhaka, Bangladesh): Looks like black smoke from some sort of large explosion? Hand granade? http://short.to/1as8
Another Twitter user in Dhaka has been tweeting developments for the last hour. He told Breaking Tweets he's been gathering information from "relatives and other sources."

With the story still developing, Twitter facilitated an international dialogue, as a man in India asked for more information.

@mahmudur responded with his theory on why the attack took place.

pm visited bdr hq day before yesterday and not get any positive feedback
today's incident is the outcome of that
@seoexpertbd also tweeted from Dhaka.