Per, Bell Canada says it will charge its cell phone customers 15 cents per SMS Twitter update. The charges will apply to all customers including those with unlimited text messaging.
"Because Twitter is a third-party service, the messages are considered premium and not covered by our plans. This aligns with industry standards regarding third-party premium messaging," said Bell spokeswoman Julie Smithers, as reported by CBCNews.
Canadian Twitter users expressed outrage and concern:
@toddlucier(Algonquin Park, Ontario): Ok, it's bad enough in Canada with Rogers, but for Bell to charge for Twitter updates by sms. . . ludicrous. (expand
@ellenoire(Dundas, Ontario): @mashable ya, well Bell Canada sucks! but so does Rogers! Thanks for the update! A canadian twitter fan!
@karenneves(Halifax, Nova Scotia): Not happy Twitter won't allow outgoing updates via SMS is Canada. Stupid.
Reactions from outside Canada:
@popgloss(West Hollywood, CA) : Canada is prehistoric when it comes to cell phone plans. It boggles my mind. Twitter SMS issues: (link from @mashable)
@linnetwoods(Balearic Islands, Spain): RT @guffinmopes: Bell Canada rips off Twitter users (expand
) #enoughguff CANADIANS TAKE NOTE Please Retweet

Canadian tweets not free