Per CNN, President Barack Obama used his first prime-time address Monday "to make the case for his economic stimulus plan, saying this is not your 'run-of-the-mill recession.'"
Twitter was overloaded with 1,217 tweets containing the word "Obama" within the last hour, as #obama trended straight to No. 1 as a result of the address. That's an average of one tweet every three seconds.
Reaction was mixed, though the vast majority of tweets seemed to praise his performance. Here's a compilation of Twitter reaction just moments after his address concluded:
@funkeyflashback (Virginia Beach, Va.): Obama did his thing on the News conference
@jayoaks (Wheaton, Ill.): Press Conference final thoughts: Congress needs to pass the damn thing, and Obama's against steroids. Who knew?
@thekiwanian (Tucson, Az.): I enjoyed the presser, but personally I'm still optimistic... I'd like to see how this all ends up in late 2010 or so. #Obama
@camaguire (Washington, D.C.): I adore seeing DC locations on 24. Even though I heart Obama, I will miss the Bushisms.
@Galedawg (Madison, Wisc.): I am SO relieved to have Obama as President
@LisaGemini (Near Tampa, Fla.): Wow, I can't believe some reporter asked a question about A-Rod during the Obama conference. Who the hell cares? Ppl are out of work!
Some were critical of the address.
@MacGuges (Rochester, N.Y.): How depressing: Honestly, I didn't think Obama would disappoint me so quickly.
@kyleslattery (Bethlehem): Wasn't Obama's whole thing "hope instead of fear"? Then why's he trying to scare people into passing the stimulus bill?
@peterkay made this observation.
@peterkay (Honolulu, Hawaii) First time I used twitter search with (pound)Obama to watch what was going on. very cool. twitter: immediacy vs. Goog: archival

Obama promotes stimulus in first presser