His Holiness is not on Twitter after all. Just two hours ago, Twitter employee
@caroline offered the following statement: "everyone who's wondering why
@ohhdl was suspended. the official ohhdl in dharamsala, india informed us that
@ohhdl is an impersonator. sorry"
The Dalai Lama account had amassed thousands of followers and plenty of buzz prior to its takedown, including a number of articles internationally about it
such as this one by AFP.
The suspension of the account generated a significant response today.
@mikedunn (Bristol, U.K.): Can't even begin to imagine the terrible karma that'll befall whoever was impersonating the Dalai Lama.
@heartbreakingal (Pune, India): @RaviKapoor That's hardly surprising. The Dalai Lama is a monk; probably never used a computer let alone Twitter!
@sarahlane (San Francisco, Calif.): That Dalai Lama (
@OHHDL) Twitter account was fake? Come on people, you do not impersonate His Holiness! Ever! What's wrong w you?
@shres (Mumbai, India): The Dalai Lama appears on Twitter, gets 15000+ followers in a day and vanishes the next day.
@ohhdl seems to be an impersonator account.

Dalai Lama account fake