Per London Times, A female suicide bomber has killed at least 28 people and wounded 90 more in Sri Lanka. It happened in a town recently captured from the Tamil Tigers by the Sri Lankan army. The woman had apparently mixed with a group of people fleeing the fighting and was being frisked for weapons when she blew herself up.
Al Jazeera English
has a video report on the ongoing conflict in Sri Lanka, and has breaking news tweets
@thej (Bangalore, India): I was here L:9.158756,79.438491; day before yesterday..
@prsn (Hyderabad, India): @thej Never knew that it was just less than 12kms to Sri Lanka from there. Amazing!
Not many tweets with personal experiences of the incident, probably because few people have access to the internet or a computer, and in a conflict zone they've got better things to do than get online and blog. But the story is getting extensive coverage in traditional media, using Twitter to tell the story.
@AJEnglishBomber 'kills Sri Lanka civilians': A female Tamil Tiger suicide bomber has killed sev..
@dw_world Over 20 killed in Sri Lanka suicide attack
@cbcworldnews 28 die in Sri Lanka suicide bombing: military
@noticias24 Al menos 28 muertos deja atentado suicida en Sri lanka (At least 28 dead after a suicide attack in Sri Lanka)The BBC website
has a story to add context and background to today's bombing. The article includes a list of recent atrocities in Sri Lanka and a map of the conflict zone.

Female bomber kills 28 in Sri Lanka