The Twitterverse is talking about Zimbabwe's economic problems:
macosta25 (Maputo, Mozambique) Retweet @gabgabgabby: Inflation in Zimbabwe hits 500 billion per cent .Unempoyment is 90% Source: Soource: Zimbabwe Finance Minister. Shimswizzlewitz (Florida) We Need Moderators Tsvangirai: Zimbabwe is broke: Prime minister Tsvangirai says government un.. TendaiJoe (Cape Town, South Africa) @RichardBPenn i stay in SA! But the average income in Zimbabwe is US$100 per month as per civil service salaries! aroseindacity (Hollywood, Calif.) duh, Tsvangirai. ugh. RT @VOA_News: Zimbabwe PM Says Gov't is Broke: Tsvangirai says country cannot meet union demands for higher wages. camere1 (Johannesburg, South Africa) Departing now for Harare. Hoping to see more signs that Zimbabwe is on the way back to economic growth!